Shower thoughts Blue pill focuses on the past, Red Pill focuses on the future.

The past, focusing on regret, reliving decisions you should have made, feeling guilty/sad/ashamed of past events, running from those emotions or running from the past, believing the future is scary or feeling anxiety due to the expectation the future will be as termoultious as the past and you will be helpless to control it.

These are just examples of a plethora of ways a person is focused on the past. The BP reasons why a person would constantly focus on them are sort of obvious if you've done your reading but for the new people I'll explain

As you begin to internalize that you don't owe anyone an Explanation for your own desires and decisions, you begin to regret the past less. First you start to see mistakes as a learning lesson. a redpill mind would see a failure to a challenge as a failure that is necessary to build the skills to proficiently succeed in the future (future focused). They do not see it as a deficiency in themselves as a person, but a deficiency in a skillset and may even find pride in thinking, "I gave it my all and did the best I could do". Failure is water on a ducks back. Many leaders including JFK had tremendous failure, but their handling it created opportunity instead of demise. A blue pill mentality takes mistakes with shame (nnmng), they take them personally, and sometimes even use them as examples of how they are just as "bad" as they always suspected. This causes the BP mind to focus on repairing the ego, running from the shame, suppressing the negative emotions, instead of learning the lesson as a lesson. The BP mind can't let go of this shame/emotion/response. It forces them to either constantly focus on it specifically or pretend it isn't there which causes an unconscience effect to mood and self fulfilling prophecy. The BP mind gets hit with the second arrow trying to take care of the first arrow which creates a spiral of mistakes and shame. The RP mind is already thinking of his next attempt at what ever it may be, how he will incorporate the new lesson to prevent the same type of failure. They never attributed the failure to their own ego, so they are able to learn the lesson instead of pridfully ignore it happens or defensively dismiss it to guard the ego. The fact they learned the lesson that defeated them last time makes them feel able to attempt this task again but this time that pesky failure will get it's ass kicked with the new information our RP mind has from their lesson learned. Should they continually fail, they will accept a capability limitation but still do not attribute it to their capability as a person and will get again focus on finding a new task or hobby (future thinking) and begin to be excited for a new challenge which will inevitable be filled with filled with failure as well. The RP mind believes they can handle what ever may come, and that means handle the failing of a task until it's no longer a challenge and is passed with ease. They focus on the future and it's unlimited capability. The BP is scared shitless of failure because he makes failure so damn painful to himself that it's unbearable to even risk taking on something that may have failure in it. The RP makes failure painless, and welcomes the future, while the BP can't stop thinking of how bad the ego hit and shame hurt that he still hasn't let go of from the last time he failed.

The BP mind thinks of previous relationships constantly and wishes they had them back. Thinks of the mistakes made that caused the relationship to end. Focuses on the feeling of failure that now has them in "unbearable" emotional consequences. Like Pavlov's dog, they think why am I alone? Because I fucked everything up. I should have done xyz different. They dictate how their behavior should have been in hindsight to allow them to fit the container their relationship was trying to put them in. I.e. I was a square and should have been a circle to fit in the hole... either they were at the time compromising their values and their SO became unattracted as a consequence or they stuck to their values and now looking back are trying to judge their past self and compromise that past selfs values by saying they should have behaved differently. Either way, they compsomised their values and disrespected themselves. Either way they are wrong.They are in the wrong in a way that has no win, because it is an attempt to be incongruent with the self, and self esteem takes a hit as a consequence. They attribute their failure to themselves and feel worthless. This makes them unable to gain the momentum to find a new relationship and they continue to focus on the "good old days" of the past. A RP mentality either is proud of their past self for sticking to his values and realizes that relationship was headed for failure regardless, or they realize they did make a mistake. They focus on the mistake as a lesson, not flaw. Most importantly, they remember they got to the point to make mistakes by traveling through many successes first. And if they succeeded before, they can and will succeed again. This brings hope and forward looking to the RP man. Who now, hopes to have the same string of successes in the future but he has learned from the mistake that ended the relationship last time and given he was in the wrong, he knows it is simply a skill he needed to learn and he has, and won't make the mistake again.

Long story short, incongruent behavior to your inner beliefs cause hits to your self respect via sadness, shame, ect. Those things anchor the mind in the past. As you become more RP, your response to failure is different, your outlook on rather you consider something a fail or win changes based on how well you were authentic instead of your performance. RP realizes performance can be fixed, the true failure is to disrespect yourself by supplication, crowd pleasing, nice guy behavior, or otherwise non authentic acts. The BP mindset simply does a checksum to see if their behavior was what was called for by the situation for it to end with the least amount of consequences... to hell if he would have had to act incongruent to himself to make it a success. A RP mind quits a task that requires him to be unloyal to his values... A BP mind feels like shit that they didn't compromise quickly enough to prevent someone else from judging them (causing loss of self respect for the compromise attitude, and shame from feeling judged).

I'm not saying if you think of the past you are BP... I am saying the common trends and themes of BP thinking lands them thinking of the past often usually negatively. RP thinking generally focuses with eagerness and excitement on the future. Where you find yourself thinking the most may be an indicator of your internal pill, given that you find out why you are thinking of that time. If you find you are thinking of the past a lot, and feeling negatively about it... chances are there are some real deeply embedded BP beliefs that are anchoring you. When you figure out what those are, you can understand why you are so bothered by the past and focused on it... what specific limiting belief do you habe and the RP mentality can help you process and recover from the sadness or other negative emotions associated