i'm not talking about female nature but more like social dynamics. like for example people that are obsessed with what others think of them to the point where they will try to put up appearances to total strangers that they don't even know the name of, like neighbors that you don't give a shit about. it absolutely blows my mind how thoroughly indoctrinated some people are. on the other hand i was there once myself, petrified as fuck not wanting anyone to look at me funny. it's like i ask well why do you care what they think, have you ever spoken to them, do you even know their names, what does it matter if they think poorly of you, what will happen if they do, why do you want them to think of you one way but behind closed doors you behave completely differently.

these are questions that i guess literally throw bombs at the matrix inside of them, and it turns out to be this wild, irrational rage where they believe they are trying to be civil with you but in reality are responding to the basest of emotions, and the worst part is those aren't even their emotions they're feeling it's just the programs failsafe or firewall whatever the fuck you wanna call it. sometimes where you'll get to a point where what they're saying is basically 1+1=3, and you ask them to stop and think about what they just said, and there's nothing, no twitch of the eyebrow, nothing. human soul gone, indoctrination complete. these aren't humans anymore, these are machines, flesh golems.

you cannot teach an automaton to feel love, a machine is only for following its program, conscious thought, intelligence and awareness is not their domain. you do not get upset or question why your toaster or your phone doesn't respond to socrates quotes with curiosity. you do not get upset or question why people fully immersed in the blue pill are the way they are. i have more important things to do, there are people out there that i can still reach and help. this is called frame.

neo am i doing it right?

edited for the baby boys who needed an extra enter key in their cereal. hit me up if you also need me to burp you and change your dipey _^