Summary: After achieving some long-term or short-term goal I don't feel like I achieved anything. How to change that?

Body: First of all, I want to thank this community for providing people with great information. This information have a tremendous impact on my life this year. I've been reading TRP materials since January 2015. I must admit that I learned a lot on this journey, but I have some problems that I couldn't solve by myself so I'm asking you guys for some guidance and help.

Everyone have some goals. A long-term and short-term goals are the part of everyone's journey. I read a thread about setting goals and I started to set goals for myself. Some of those goals are long-term goals that I want to achieve this year, other goals are weekly or daily goals. I'm doing really well, especially with short-term goals. Although, this is not my problem. I set some goal and I achieve it, but after achieving a goal that I've been working on it for a few weeks or months I don't feel any satisfaction. I don't feel anything. It is like: "Ok, nice I made it. Give me next." I know that I put a lot of hard work in achieving a goal, but I don't feel like I achieve anything. It reflects on my confidence as well. How to change that?

English is my second language so I can't express myself the best. If you have any question please ask in the comments. I would be really thankful for any help. Thanks in advance.