TL:DR I see many of you here and in Fitness recommending absolutely absurd amounts of protein intake to people. This post goes over an article explaining proper protein intake amounts. I will also link a couple supplementary articles from accepted medical sources.
edit Apparently this wasn't clear enough, but the numbers here are not for fringe cases. They are not for Athletes with 9% body fat, or body builders, or Marines. Men, if your body fat is under 18% then you're in the minority, not the "average" majority. Here. Most US males (most means over 50%) are over 20% body fat. However it gives values for progressing past a starting point as well, which is in the article if you read it.
Body The article that prompted this post is here.
Excerpts with analyses:
Taken together, strength training and sufficient protein will stimulate new muscle protein synthesis. Note that the keyword here is sufficient, because this is where protein supplement marketers like to extend to “the more the better”.
I know there's going to be pushback at this post, it happens every time I bring it up. I don't really understand why so many guys are emotionally invested in taking 200g of protein a day and act like I'm threatening them when I suggest otherwise. But do yourselves a favor and trust the science, not the marketing.
So how much protein do sportspeople need? Consensus position statements such as those produced by the American College of Sports Medicine give the range of 1.2 grams to 1.7 grams of protein per kilogram of body weight.
In other words if you only workout 8-12 hours/week and weigh the average 185lbs (84kg) then you should get about 100-115g of protein/day. If you aren't exercising at all, or just walking, you should get no more than 100g.
But the top end of that range is for elite endurance athletes, power sportspeople and those in the early stages of a strength training phase. The “recreational athlete”, which describes the majority of active sportspeople, should aim for the bottom end of the range.
So just eating your normal foods, without taking a protein supplement, probably gets you all the protein you need.
the average Australian male already eats 1.2 grams and the average female 1.1 grams of protein per kilogram body weight. And this is for mostly sedentary people who are not following any special “high protein” training diet.
Optimal muscle growth and recovery is more than just about meeting daily protein needs. And this is where the concept of protein timing around exercise has some credence. Consuming protein after exercise is the best studied; about 20 grams of high-quality protein is sufficient to stimulate muscle protein synthesis following resistance exercise.
How long this window remains open is still debated, but it likely exists for several hours. So, fear not gym goers, your muscle gains aren’t going to shrivel away because you didn’t chug down your protein shake five minutes after your last set of bench presses.
Then my favorite tip from the whole article, drink chocolate milk after a workout, maybe combined with 1/4cup of salted Pecans for a little extra protein. Ovaltine!
Chocolate milk contains a good mix of carbohydrates (to promote glycogen restoration and stimulate insulin release) and high-quality whey and casein protein all in the one package. It also has the added bonus of contributing to post-exercise rehydration. Science has never been so tasty.
But outside of cost, is there a downside to protein supplements? Yes, because they move the focus away from the undisputed benefits of a varied training diet. Research is finding that body-conscious men are using these supplements for weight loss, setting them up for potential eating disorders.
The biggest performance gains in sport don’t come from protein supplements. They come from the triad of a broad varied diet, adequate rest and recovery, and the one supplement that all athletes need to be taking: BHW (bloody hard work).
It's a good article you all should read. Give it some thought and figure out a healthy diverse diet. I think far too many guys rely on supplements as a crutch, they're not bad all together. But it's always best to get your nutrition from fresh food, rather than artificial supplements.
I'll leave a few more links to related information from trusted sources as promised.
Normal people, who don't hit the gym daily, only need 56g of protein every day, for men. Adults in the U.S. are encouraged to get 10% to 35% of their day's calories from protein foods. That's about 46 grams of protein for women, and 56 grams of protein for men.
Bodybuilding says "Protein intakes of 1.4 - 2.0 g/kg/day for physically active individuals is not only safe, but may improve the training adaptations to exercise training."
Which is inline with the main post. I think the mistake so many guys make is simply "if some is good more must be better", but that's not how it works. Remember, this source is "Bodybuilding", they're going to give higher estimates than the VAST majority of people should use. Most of us don't even want the bulk and slow speed of a body builder. Bruce Lee showed how destructive speed is so I'm not gonna press the matter.
1.4g/kilo of bodyweight/day should be plenty for people with full time jobs that aren't body building. When I used to do MMA I trained 40-60 hours/week and my protein levels were still a bit shy of 2g/kilo of body weight.
Unless it is your JOB to train your body and workout, 1.4g/kilo or less is where you should be. If you're in a strength building phase use 1.4-1.5, if you're not use 1-1.2. Very, VERY few people workout enough to justify anything more.
Remember, roughly 20g of protein, within a few (I say 2 hours max) of your workout is good for muscle growth. If using supplement you'd want Whey protein here. For normal meals throughout the day you just want meat, or if you're traveling or don't have access to healthy food for some other reason, supplement with casein protein.
Lessons learned
Far too many of you use supplements as if you're professional athletes working out 40-60 hours/week. When in reality you have full time jobs, and lives, and are probably working out less than 20 hours/week. Stop doing that.
Eat whole foods as often as possible. Supplements should be just that, supplemental. AKA, used rarely and temporarily.
1-1.2g/kilo of body weight is where MOST guys should be. Body Builders, athletes, marathon runners are all exceptions.
Whey protein is absorbed quickly, and thus is most effective post workout (within a few hours). Casein protein is slow release, and is what should be consumed every other time of the day.
If you're eating 3 chicken breasts a day, that's probably enough protein for you.
Edit "GREENS you mother fuckers!" - u/ItIsMyPrivelidge
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