I have seen posts claiming MMSL should be on the sidebar blah blah and have always tried to point out the femocentric and mercantile approach that is taken is, ultimately, not Red Pill at all.

I am a married man who has the deepest respect for Athol Kay (Peace Be Upon Him). His books helped turn around my life and marriage:

-Married Man Sex Life Primer 2011

-Manage Attraction Plan

Cannot recommend them enough if you have a denying, frigid, domineering wife. This is the place to start- but TRP is the place to finish.

In a word the MMSL blog sucks. I have always had a problem with his blog. As with any space dominated by women, despite the name "Married Man's Sex Life" the space is NOT for married MEN. It is a space dominated by women.

These women push around the Betas on that site obviously and openly. They despise the dread and insist that the marital vows are sacrosanct- unless one of Kay's "Paying Clients" decides that is what she wants (or perhaps when Jennifer and Athol decide that option is more likely to keep the checks coming). The women mercilessly pounce on new male posters while giving out the pussy pass like rain water.

This is the thread that spawned my rant followed by some excerpts.


you’ve seen a number of changes in my thought over the years. One of the more important ones is the stepping away from the Red Pill motif. There are a few reasons for that. Thus this all-purpose explanation of why, and why you should too. The first reason is simple. It’s already trademarked. “Take the Red Pill” is a trademarked phrase and not by me.

So if you can't make money off of it you don't want anything to do with it? Got it.

when an individual person or couple comes to me with a relationship problem, the solution I offer them is not advice on fixing the economy, or Red Pill based complaints about gender issues. I simply try and fix the problem.

What about when understanding the social influences on a problem help with the solution? Men need to understand the nature of women, the pussypasses, the solipsism, the shit tests, the horribly unfair advantages that women have in divorce court and child custody matters, the social bias against men, the war against boys, the societal beta-fication effort that has been so successful, the meta-social shit test that is feminism. If they don't understand the basics of our programming, does he really think we can just ignore all of that and "fix the problem." Or is it a quick term solution for a quick buck? Again.

functional and happy sexual relationships are systems. There is an ebb and flow of energy between the two sides. Thus you cannot help one, without also helping the other. I started off writing MMSL aiming just to help men, but have seen that at best it’s limited in its effectiveness, even if well intentioned. At its worst, it probably causes damage. After a certain point, the Red Pill motif just doesn’t help much.

Don't you see? We have to empower WOMEN if we are going to empower MEN (besides, women pay more money for relationship counseling). Note the lack of call for men to become more masculine and dominant so they can "man up" and actually attract their wives. Even more glaring is the constant lack of any call for women to become more feminine and submissive so they can "woman up."

As I develop more materials, MMSL will stay a brand targeted at a male audience.

Great, we will wait for it but haven't seen anything much beyond the books.

But there will also be brands of my material targeted for a co-ed audience and other brands targeted at a female audience.

No doubt.

I know some people will think makes me a sell out, betraying men, yada yada yada. I think I’m at peace with that finally.
