This topic has been discussed quite in-depth various times in this sub. Different people will express themselves different ways, but in general this is an objective "right" and "wrong" way to carry yourself that will tag you as an alpha or beta as you walk in the room. Here are my take aways:

*Stand straight, shoulders back.

  • Chin level to the ground. If your chin is up all the time, you'll look like you're trying hard to look tough, and if it's down you'll look submissive.

  • Your movements should be slow and methodical. Not jerky and spasmatic. Someone says your name, don't snap your neck around like a fool. Take a two seconds, finish looking at what you were looking at, and turn casually, raise your eyebrows or smile slightly. This pause will indicate that you're in control of what you find interesting, and that other person isn't it at the moment. On this note...

  • DO NOT BEAM when someone is talking to you (maybe except your own mother). A facade of disinterest, aloofness, or slight annoyance will keep the power of the interaction in your court as the other has to qualify themselves to keep your interest.

*When you walk, take long methodical strides.

*When your hands are idle, your thumbs should be out, not tucked away.

*Lips should be ever so slightly puckered. This sounds beyond fucking stupid I know, but if your lips are pursed it makes you look anxious and worried.

*Eyes should never be wide open unless making some sort of expression. "Sleepy" eyes are more attractive than "zipped on coke" eyes.

  • When sitting at a desk or table, your arms should be out, don't clasp your hands in your lap.

  • Sit ankle over knee, or lean to one side in your chair with one leg kicked out and one bent.

Bonus: slowly run your fingers through your hair. Chicks seem to dig this, and every "Chad" I've observed does this.