~ archived since 2018 ~
[–]FrameWalker8 points9 points10 points 9 years ago* (1 child) | Copy Link
This is dangerously close to concern trolling. How long have you been on redpill/are you in an LTR and for how long? If you've slept with less than ten women, and haven't been in an LTR more than 3 years you may want to keep your mouth closed. Awalt rears it's ugly head 15 years into a monogamous LTR.
But I disagree about AWALT,
On what grounds? How many pussies have you tried? Awalt speaks to their nature. Their behavior can be very different but Chad will get her wet even if she can resist fucking him.
and the idea that women are babies.
We said the most responsible teenager in the house. Not baby. The thing is, girls love when you take the lead and make them feel safe. They hate when you ask the same of them.
Women have the ABILITY to empathize. Not saying they often do, but they certainly can.
Not sure which part of this disagrees with trp. All we're saying is that asking for her sympathy will dry her vagina. Submissiveness makes a great deal of men sexually aroused. Dominance arouses women.
But if you want connection, there is more to it.
Some girls you'll click with very easily. You'll enjoy their company outside of sex. All trp is telling you is that it's okay to have sex without that connection. We're not saying that connection is bad. What is bad is prioritizing that connection over sex when you want to fuck a girl. Don't hide your sexual desire.
If you give away your commitment for free there won't be sex.
If you're not enjoying the company of your plates go find better women.
There is a next step to this
That next step is for you to see the bigger picture of what trp is. Alpha 1.0 is the asshole. Alpha 2.0 is the man who's e created an awesome life. Mind body and spirit. There's no manipulating girls. You are legitimately attractive. To get there you have to forget some old habits and make some new ones. There will be periods where you are a jerk, periods where you are not aggressive enough, and some backsliding.
[–]plentyoffishes[S] -2 points-1 points0 points 9 years ago (0 children) | Copy Link
asking for her sympathy will dry her vagina.
Sympathy and empathy are too different things. And I did not say "asking for".
That makes sense, but most guys here don't get this.
[–]kogsworth5 points6 points7 points 9 years ago (1 child) | Copy Link
Women only empathize if they're already fulfilled and you're giving them tingles. Drop anything of TRP and we'll see how much your girl will stay with you because she empathizes. Children empathize too, they just tend to be way more selfish than empathetic.
[+]plentyoffishes[S] -8 points-7 points-6 points 9 years ago (0 children) | Copy Link
It's a human emotion. You don't have to be a man to empathize. Not sure your point.
[–][deleted] 5 points6 points7 points 9 years ago (0 children) | Copy Link
You don't need The Red Pill 2.0.
Take what you want from this sub, with the understanding that you don't have to engage in anything you disagree with. Knowledge is half the battle.
To me, the core of TRP boils down to this: be someone worth investing in and sacrificing for, and know how not to be a sucker by learning the most common cons and strategies of the other side to manipulate you.
[–]1NV0K3R5 points6 points7 points 9 years ago (1 child) | Copy Link
But I disagree about AWALT, and the idea that women are babies. Women have the ABILITY to empathize. Not saying they often do, but they certainly can.
Rocks also have the ability to become skyscrapers.
There is a next step to this. It needs to be discussed more around here and not just tossed aside as "unicornism".
No where on here do we talk down LTR's or say to never be in a filling relationship.
[–]plentyoffishes[S] 0 points1 point2 points 9 years ago (0 children) | Copy Link
Didn't say that. I said they can be a lot better with empathy + curiosity.
[–]nantucketghost2 points3 points4 points 9 years ago* (1 child) | Copy Link
Marriage is awesome. You just need the right girl and as a man have the right attitude.
No way. Marriage is BS and is trying to sign a contract to lock in "happily ever after" or "together forever". Impossible and doesn't exist. And yes I was married for 7 years, learned a lot.
Women are women, they all want the same thing and will do things to get their what they want. Some are better than others and worth your time though.
Not much different than what I'm saying.
[–][deleted] 1 point2 points3 points 9 years ago (0 children) | Copy Link
I also value connection. It makes life richer, whether you're fucking a woman or hanging out with male friends. I've had my fun with fucking whomever I want. It gets easy after a while and boring without the connection.
[–][deleted] 1 point2 points3 points 9 years ago (1 child) | Copy Link
I disagree. In fact, I believe that you're completely wrong. This is a problem with men who are turning towards reality, but as yet, lack the gumption to actually face it. They make deals with reality, they compromise on truth in favour of more palatable fictions, and in so doing, they steer themselves away from the epiphany that could relieve them of their burden, if they only dared. I understand why. You can talk in terms of connections, in terms of empathy and manipulation. No true man deals in manipulation, rather, he becomes the best version of himself so that reality orients itself around him in a manner that is favourable to his preferred conditions. I think the truth is that we all come here with this secret shame, this deep feeling that we are not who we are. Then, as we delve deeper into this sense of reality, we face it again, this feeling that we are becoming something that we fundamentally are not. This is when we start to compromise. "I'll be alpha to all those other bitches, but my oneitis is special, I'll throw in some beta with her." And we re-arrange the truths of our perception to suit the reality we create in our minds. We call it empathy, or sympathy, or reality, whatever suits. And, because of it, we're neither all-in, nor all-out.
You cannot be half-in, in my opinion. Not because there are not different ways to be an alpha, but because you get blind-sided by reality if you believe that the exception exists and, out of some unlikely twist of fate, you are the one who shall encounter the exception, and live happily ever after. My belief is that you cannot yearn for the fairy-tale when you have already faced the horror. You cannot treat each woman you're sexually attracted to as a potential unicorn, when your interests are best served by treating each woman as the opposite. You cannot talk in romanticised, feminine terms of connections, and be wholly embracing your masculine. I know we'd all love to live in a world of connections, but that's just a bull-shit word that women use to explain away their sexuality.
All that really happens is that we fuck. We fuck the same way animals do. We fuck on cold, hard genetics. We fuck on the basis of sharing human companionship. We fuck because we want and need our tribe to prevail over that cunt tribe that lives on the opposite side of the road. We fuck, that's all we do. We fuck because cunts get wet and cocks get hard. Don't go talking in these bull-shit terms about connections, about empathy and curiosity. I'm not saying nobody in the world is deserving of your empathy, and curiosity, but I sure as hell know it isn't some ham-beast that you're looking to share your empathy, curiosity and connection with. I think we need to be realistic, here. There is no evolution of TRP because it concerns itself with quintessential, primal fact. You're getting caught up in your lofty, human ideals and seeking to entangle cold reality with a dab of heartfelt, hopeful fiction.
I wish it were so. We all do. But you're still talking shit, in my humble opinion.
[–]plentyoffishes[S] -1 points0 points1 point 9 years ago (0 children) | Copy Link
I know we'd all love to live in a world of connections, but that's just a bull-shit word that women use to explain away their sexuality.
So there are no connections?
You're getting caught up in your lofty, human ideals and seeking to entangle cold reality with a dab of heartfelt, hopeful fiction.
So women don't, in reality, have the ability to empathize?
[–]Fukkthisgame0 points1 point2 points 9 years ago (0 children) | Copy Link
I don't personally perscribe or pay too much attention to a lot of the technicalities of RP, but a lot of them work regardless, and are great for people trying to make "the switch." Once you've spent a while mulling over red pill and successfully gotten with some hot girls and seen how this stuff works in actual practice, you eventually realize that, like anything, rules and technicalities are mostly for beginners. When you have the mindset right, you can pretty much do and say whatever you want and come out on top. THAT is Red Pill 2.0
[–][deleted] 0 points1 point2 points 9 years ago (0 children) | Copy Link
Oh yeah?! In Redpill 3.0 you're so alpha anything under a 5 is too afraid to make eye contact with you in fear of their head exploding.
[–]Rycy[🍰] 0 points1 point2 points 9 years ago (0 children) | Copy Link
I can agree to some content with You.
The thing is don't take everything you read as a fact , the ultimate truth or the exact description of the world around us. There is no such thing.
You have Your own mind, your own feelings about the stuff that is here and what is happening in the world around you. Take what you need from here to feel better and live a better life, more fulfilling life.
You see AWALT is the one of the things I have trouble of beliving in ,although I didn't took me long to understand that women work similar - to some content. Don't think that ALL women ARE evil cheating whores but never forget that ALL women CAN BE evil cheating whores and feel perfectly good with it (according to their reasoning) and NEVER assume that "Your girl" is super-special ,not like the other ones.
[–][deleted] 0 points1 point2 points 9 years ago* (6 children) | Copy Link
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[–]plentyoffishes[S] -4 points-3 points-2 points 9 years ago (5 children) | Copy Link
TRP can be used to achieve anything you want with the opposite sex, not just sex itself.
Then why have I not heard of any guys talking about their blissful relationships? It's all bitching and "pump and dump"-ing.
[–][deleted] 1 point2 points3 points 9 years ago* (0 children) | Copy Link
Then why have I not heard of any guys talking about their blissful relationships?
Because you haven't been here very long. You say unrestricted access to sex isn't fulfilling, but neither is an LTR. They aren't mutually exclusive, either. Drop the disney love fantasy, it's what you do with your life that fulfills you, not who you do it with.
Basically, lurk more troll fgt
[–]TheSKSpecial0 points1 point2 points 9 years ago (2 children) | Copy Link
The guys having blissful relationships are busy living those blissful relationships instead of being on here bragging about them.
[–]plentyoffishes[S] -1 points0 points1 point 9 years ago (1 child) | Copy Link
Right but they are bragging about HB7 sluts from Tinder they banged.
[–]TheSKSpecial0 points1 point2 points 9 years ago (0 children) | Copy Link
If you read more you'd see that the guys bragging about Tinder sluts aren't the same guys who make LTR posts.
[–]niggertron90000 points1 point2 points 9 years ago (0 children) | Copy Link
Move along, just another shill
[–]braking_point-1 points0 points1 point 9 years ago (0 children) | Copy Link
All Women Are Like that. It's only a case to what degree. My last ltr was type A typical. She would change her reality on a dime, hamstering any dumb decision she made. And the kick in the nuts was, she's an Mba holder. I expected her to rise above the awalt syndrome, and she disappointed me thoroughly. I was disappointed cause I expected her to be the unicorn that you are so desperately seeking. In the end she left me (my guess) for 2 reasons
My smv decline due to a new promotion which I had tough time adjusting to. I was dealing with extreme responsibility which I didnt handle well. I also gained a few pounds during this time. I didn't have the time or energy to maintain my diet or fitness levels. I also didn't entertain any shit or comfort test.
Her perceived notion that she wanted a BB. I am in no way a BB, I could be one, but I am naturally dgaf. So, my dread game started from day 1' partly due to smv actual is pretty high, and those 20 year olds under my command didnt help.
My previous was pining for her ex no job so called alpha, while dating blue pill me. All my plates fuck me hard and can't get away because of my perceived alpha status.
Use the information here to better your life and to keep any relationship going strong. Whether it be plate spinning or ltr's.
Girls at my job get so turned on when I don't accept bs, and lay down the law (I'm a supervising manager of many young 20 odd year olds)
Accept that it's their nature. If you want an LTR, you have to maintain focus, and find a girl who you can manipulate easily.
© TheRedArchive 2024. All rights reserved.created by /u/dream-hunter
[–]FrameWalker8 points9 points10 points (1 child) | Copy Link
[–]plentyoffishes[S] -2 points-1 points0 points (0 children) | Copy Link
[–]kogsworth5 points6 points7 points (1 child) | Copy Link
[+]plentyoffishes[S] -8 points-7 points-6 points (0 children) | Copy Link
[–][deleted] 5 points6 points7 points (0 children) | Copy Link
[–]1NV0K3R5 points6 points7 points (1 child) | Copy Link
[–]plentyoffishes[S] 0 points1 point2 points (0 children) | Copy Link
[–]nantucketghost2 points3 points4 points (1 child) | Copy Link
[–]plentyoffishes[S] 0 points1 point2 points (0 children) | Copy Link
[–][deleted] 1 point2 points3 points (0 children) | Copy Link
[–][deleted] 1 point2 points3 points (1 child) | Copy Link
[–]plentyoffishes[S] -1 points0 points1 point (0 children) | Copy Link
[–]Fukkthisgame0 points1 point2 points (0 children) | Copy Link
[–][deleted] 0 points1 point2 points (0 children) | Copy Link
[–]Rycy[🍰] 0 points1 point2 points (0 children) | Copy Link
[–][deleted] 0 points1 point2 points (6 children) | Copy Link
[–]plentyoffishes[S] -4 points-3 points-2 points (5 children) | Copy Link
[–][deleted] 1 point2 points3 points (0 children) | Copy Link
[–][deleted] 1 point2 points3 points (0 children) | Copy Link
[–]TheSKSpecial0 points1 point2 points (2 children) | Copy Link
[–]plentyoffishes[S] -1 points0 points1 point (1 child) | Copy Link
[–]TheSKSpecial0 points1 point2 points (0 children) | Copy Link
[–]niggertron90000 points1 point2 points (0 children) | Copy Link
[–]braking_point-1 points0 points1 point (0 children) | Copy Link