After reading just another asktrp post about a man who got involved with a severe case of a ‘damaged’ (low self esteem) hoe. I wanted to highlight the importance of screening.

When you’re younger it’s easy to get addicted to the pussy of a hot woman, particularly if you’re not in abundance. You’re horny and the sex is wild so you keep spending time with her. Then you start to promote her unwittingly. Then you appreciate her unique hurt. Then you start treating her better than you normally would. Then shit hits the fan and you come to asktrp. Don’t worry, I went through it, it’s called not having a plan and taking what’s there, aka being lazy.

For the sake of self preservation you have to screen hard against low self esteem women. They typically have toxic traits that make them more volatile than the ‘normal’ girl so if your boundaries and leading aren’t strong they can fuck with your shit. And they’ll do it without trying to - it’s just who they are. It’s your job to recognise what your dealing with and modify goals and expectations for individual women.

Even if you only have one woman, low self esteem women should be rejected, pump and dumps, or extremely low investment plates. As in they come over for sex, then they leave. Sure enjoy the sex, but that’s the boundary. Repeated dates are a no no. You’re wasting your time, and they don’t think they deserve them anyway. To get involved with them emotionally is to invite a world of pain and will never end well for you.

This is what I’ve learned from experience and through reading a particular book: “Practical Female Psychology for the Practical Man” which crystallised what I have observed. Written by 3 men that have had apparently lots of experience with women. They’ve compiled some of the easiest to understand and apply - practical - wisdom on women I’ve read. And they have a great system for screening. It’s also filled with a shit ton of other gold on women and succeeding with them.

It’s a Redpill book that never gets mentioned here so I wanted to give it a shout out and would love to see it on the sidebar if some EC/Mods like it. You can get the full version online with a quick google search - the second link reads better. It really opened my eyes and think it would many others too.

Smash it gents.

Edited: a word