TL;DR If you're ever in a situation where you are helping someone swallow the red pill or understand why modern feminism is a "Trainwreck" then show them this video. Calls out today's feminist BS, mentions some key RP concepts, and best of all, it's straight from the mouth of a long time feminist.
Body: Here we have an older feminist that has been with the movement from post second wave. You can tell she's obviously fed up with how feminism is going and even admits how she's helped it damage our society.
Guilt because it [feminism] has also done a lot of damage. My work now is to reverse that damage.
She especially talks about how feminists are caught in their own hypocrisy.
Anytime someone has the temerity to suggest that a woman might want to look for a husband in college, feminists go nuts
A new feminism will value & respect all responsible choices.
Key RP concept of female hypergamy is talked about because today's women want to behave more like men.
I can't think of anything less dignified for women than the feminist belief that in the sexual arena, women are like, and therefore ought to act like men.
Pulling quotes from the video don't do it justice so go ahead and watch it.
This is my first TRP post so go easy pls. Edit: Changed quotes to > and some words.
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