It's really easy to slip into habits, trust me I know. I still haven't kicked the old cancer sticks, partly because I don't really want to despite the long running termination of life for most of my family from tobaccy induced lung cancer. It's easy to get addicted to shit, smokes, booze, poker, all sorts of vices. Shit, even porno is addictive now thanks to the high octane super speeds your Wankmeister 3000 can deliver it to you. You likely know about these vices, and are either working to give them up, or just don't give a shit and are fine with wrecking your life.

Back when I was le epic gamer as the kids say, I must have logged over a kabillion hours into RuneScape. Shit was addicting. And grindy. All of those hours I could've spent working out or learning a new skill like Mandarin or violin or how to flick my tongue like a viper. Even a resource like TheRedPill is freaky addictive. You begin to use places like this (or sosuave when I was a kid, the more PUAdouchbag version of this place) as a crutch. My impersonal mentor, Monsieur Pook explained that when you are constantly sitting on your phone or in front of your computer, you aren't learning really much of anything. That's why you have such a problem actualizing the stuff you read. You aren't really learning anything, you're regurgitating information or steps that some random booptard on the internet told you. That's nothing. You're letting the guides dictate how you live your life, rather than combing the information with what you believe to create your own philosophy and mindset.

My dms are always getting messages from guys asking me 'is this redpill' 'is this alpha' but the truth is you already know this. Your ancestors were alpha or else you wouldn't have been born. Non-powerful people didn't get laid in ancient times. The betas got eaten by mountain lions or skewered by cannibals. The same is mostly true today. Betas don't get beautiful women. When I say GET I mean GET, as in fully obtain in mind and body, the rich and beta will always find a woman to scam them. Alphaness is your NATURAL state. Don't be misled by the blue pilled world, you were meant for better things.

This natural alphaness occurs from acting on INSTINCT. Your high T (which increases by working out) instinct makes you a super human. So many men are afraid of their own mind and energy, it terrifies them and causes them to freeze up in high pressure situations like chatting up a bombshelle. But don't be afraid of failure. Failure is just an opportunity to learn.

So logoff and experience the world!