When a Reddit Nerd Virgin types Hey guys, how do I get girls into his cheeto encrusted LED backlit keyboard, there are two distinct ways we can understand his cry for help. The first is the literal interpretation. The Nerd Virgin is presumed to be in need of a seduction method, which the Manosphere has been jizzing out for the past 20 years. AskTRP has a bunch right in the sidebar. Yet Nerd Virgins are still asking. Which begs the question: Why ask for something in abundant quantity? We give them what they ask for. Yet they keep asking. What the fuck?

There's a second and far more pessimistic interpretation which takes into account the above mentioned phenomena. When Nerd Virgins ask Hey guys, how do I get girls what they really mean is How do I have the will to succeed with women if all I know is failure and rejection? Keep in mind that our Nerd Virgins are inarticulate introverts with most of their intelligence being the nonverbal logical-mathematical variety.

Basically we got a bunch of mumbly spergies on our hands, trying to ask one question but asking a wholly different question out of verbal ineptitude. Since the intended question is rarely addressed our spergies either keep asking in vein or retreat into leper colonies like MGTOW and INCEL.

The real question is how do we pull our spergies out of their anxiety, confusion and a state of internal surrender? How do we convince them to believe in their future and invest in their future, rather than believing in nothing and pouring time into coping mechanisms and escapism. What practical guidance can we give in order to rebuild their will so that they have a reason to embark upon all of those fancy methods we've been jizzing out for the past 20 years?

Spergies are a product of a Prussian factory school system and a degenerate narcissistic social atmosphere. They've been taught all their lives to conform. In fact they've been conforming for so long they don't even know who they are. A Sperg is undifferentiated. He's as unique as a steel cut French fry. Therefore a Sperg can never lead regardless of how many neurotic leadership guides he reads, because he doesn't have a place to lead to. He can't impose frame because he doesn't have a frame to impose. For him to lead and for others to follow he needs personality, differentiation or being, what Heidegger calls Dasein.

The goal is to reverse the 12 year process of conformism and homogenization know as schooling. What I'm proposing is unschooling. The purpose of school and media is to generate herd mentality and uniform socially acceptable opinion. The purpose of unschooling is teach people to be leaders and generate their own belief systems. If Schooling is possible then Unschooling is also possible.

Unschooling is an inversion of schooling. Here's how this works. Find yourself a truly controversial book. Not a self help feel good dadbook or any of that Normie shit. You want something difficult and controversial like Julius Evola, Lenin or Mustache Guy. A book that would get you expelled fired or shot if you read it out loud. You know a Red Pill book, in the most literal sense.

Next, let's briefly acknowledge that our generation’s ability to read and absorb difficult text was nuked by schooling and social media. You can't just tell millennials to read because they associate reading with busywork bullshit, Globohomo indoctrination textbooks and Swamp creature English teachers uncritically implementing the agenda. My recommendation for breaking the Pavlovian conditioning is to load reading onto trait openness rather than conscientiousness. Buy yourself a nice fountain pen, interesting ink and good notebook. Finally transform yourself from a passive untermensch skim reader into an active renaissance man by transcribing the passages that speak to you.

“So how is any of this going to make me a Dark Triad Midnight Wolf Alpha?!?” you're probably asking while waving your Cheeto-Semen fingers dramatically. The last and most important step is leadership frame practice where you subvert randoms into believing the radical ideas you've been reading and transcribing. In other words strengthen your will by imposing it on others.

The Red Pill tells emotionally weak beta males to lift because lifting strengthens the body and the spirit. I'm telling you to read and persuade as that will strengthen your leadership aka Alphaness. So ask yourself this simple question. Will you become a Dark Triad Midnight Wolf Alpha or a dangerously cheesy Gokkun masterbator?

If you're ready to put in work to make a real change this year, I offer a Red Pill Fitness Coaching Service. Shoot me a PM.