The Red Pill, at is core, is a discussion of sexual strategy. Strategy requires thought, nuance and directed action to achieve a specific result (in this specific case fucking sloots right in the pussy.) Unfortunately a substantive portion of the Red Pill community are miscalibrated, socially retarded spergs, who don't want to think and don't want to strategize.

They want the Red Pill to be a jerkoff session of ultimate sex checklists, Manosphere mantras, and inspirational quotes, so they can memorize all of the sex facts and call themselves internet sex experts and gurus unironically.

No offense to the special ed kids, but today we're going to rip the Red Pill out of their semen glazed hands and return it to its original meaning: Strategy. I don't know about you but I have people to offend, w*men to bang, and authorities to disrespect, so if you're like me, you don't have time to follow every internet alpha's romance novel career. We have shitlording to do.

The Red Pill's spergs are incapable of understanding and responding to context. They have two strategies for coping with this mental defect. The first is to seek a universal rule set (aka praxelogy aka sperg script.) The same way a man with a limp might use a walker or a cane, a sperg wants a sperg script.

A man can never run at full speed with a walker and a sperg can never be an alpha living his life by a long arbitrary gay ass list of rules. Despite this, there are plenty of Dark Triad Midnight Wolf Sperg scripts floating around and plenty of spergs jerking off into them.

The first sperg coping strategy is making dynamic situations less dynamic with sperg scripts.

The second is avoiding dynamic situations altogether.

Why is this a problem? Anglo American culture is stale, matriarchal, and infertile like a blue haired lesbian. This is a serious issue because women have no fixed positive identity and are heavily dependent on external socialization to tell them what to do. All of a woman's major decisions are outsourced to the cultural form, usually by calling her friends who will then parrot Cosmo magazine conventional wisdom. Women don't exist in an independent positive sense, they exist in a dependent relational sense.

Women are NPCs.

They lack agency and computational capacity and must connect to a server/hive mind/Big Other so it can make their decisions for them. Since the Anglo American cultural server is one of the most anti male, server verification leads to cock block much more than other cultures, hence the rise of TRP.

Let's boil down the problem of getting a Red Pill Sperg laid into its most essential elements. Women outsource all of their major decisions including who to fuck and why to the hive mind.

The current Anglo American hive mind fuels anti male MeeToo hysteria and, needless to say, is a massive cockblock. Spergs are risk and conflict averse and are constantly asking how to submit to the hive mind so they can get laid, not understanding the contradicton.

In order to get laid, men must disconnect women from the Hive Mind, by being a stronger source of leadership than the hive mind. Spergs hate leadership and are constantly trying to figure out how to be an alpha follower.

Now that we have a full understanding of the situation how do we help our spergs navigate it?

The main thing you need to get from this post is that environments can be categorized via a binary:

Normative Space and Transitional Space.

Normative Space is any environment with strong established norms like an office, classroom, or gym. While it's possible to talk to women in normative space most of her speech will be empty recitation of cultural script. In order to get anywhere in Normative Space, you're going to have to spend time and effort climbing the local hierarchy before breaking her out of script so you can have authentic conversation.

The inefficiency of Normative Spaces is by design. The goal is to set up a steep hierarchy and extract beta males for resources as they try to climb it, like a night club.

Anyone telling you to do hundreds of cold approaches is by definition telling you to pursue a costly inefficient "Red Water" non-strategy.

In contrast to Normative Space, Transitional Space is any environment lacking established norms.

Women are NPCs and their programing is disrupted when they travel from one zone to another. Transitional space is a loading screen. Examples include: college orientation, first impressions, parties, the beach, the backyard, the corner, the bando, etc.

In transitional space, the pretense of productivity is absent, therefore the emphasis is on alleviating boredom and experimenting. Transitional space is like a gap year a broad takes to Spain to get penised by Matador Manuél, before beginning her nursing career and rotting into a Normative Karen who nags Eric Engineer to put the dishes in the dishwasher correctly. Transitional space feels like the ball pit at Chuck E Cheese. It's the only place where spontaneity is still allowed because normtards haven't ruined it with rules. It's the only thing keeping you from ending it.

Women have an external locus of control and are thus more likely to let a new penis into their life while in Transitional space or Transitional period in their lives. Why?

Because introducing new sexual partners into your life is costly as it disrupts established structures and patterns. Structures are less developed in Transitional Space so the cost of sitting on fresh dick is lower. Less social structures and time commitments are disrupted during Rachel's comparative anthropological study of the European uncircumcised penise than if she was back in her home town at Denny's.

Finally a whore (and when I say this I mean a real whore not just the girl whose face you painted white because you were feeling artistic) is any woman too fucked up to create structure in her life. A whore is always in Transitional space.

This brings me to the riveting conclusion of my brilliant dissertation on: (ahem)

The Effect of Social Environment on the Penetrability of Human Female's Vagina Holes.

Women are the easiest to fuck when in Translational space or in a transitional period of their lives. So if she just finished highschool or college or her boyfriend's crying because his dog got run over by a mail truck, now is definitely the time to talk to her.

The most important aspect of male sexual strategy is recognizing and responding to social context. This means realizing when the situation has become dynamic and seizing the frame before the environment becomes stagnant and calcified.

The turn of the decade is the king of all Transitional Spaces, nobody knows what to do or what it means and they're looking for men to insert the answer into their vaginas. The next two weeks are a very rare opportunity. Women are confused they're looking for an answer.

Now is the time to pull out your penis and give it to them.

If you're looking to perfect your physique and learn in depth psychology to master the sexual marketplace, I have an affordable service that has helped many men. Shoot me a PM.