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Everyone here already knows what a Boomer is. A Boomer is a moron and a dullard who blathers outdated inane platitudes in a desperate attempt to feel relevant in a world that has changed and left him behind. If it weren't for Boomers passing out BoomerPills from the back of their Oldsmobiles the Red Pill would not need to exist. If Boomers didn't spend all their time and energy plugging people in with "Just Be Yourself" we the Red Pill wouldn't have to spend so much time and energy unplugging them.

Despite most Red Pill Alphas' capacity to identify Boomers, few are aware, let alone prepared for the greater existential threat: Global Booming. What is the Global Booming? Well to start, unlike Global Warming, Rona, racism and the 2020 election, Global Booming is actually real. Global Booming is the slow process by which normal, happy, well-adjusted people are boomerfied into narrow-minded degenerate Boomers. If that last sentence doesn't scare you, it's because you're a Boomer and are no longer capable of processing or integrating new information. It may already be too late.

Luckily for you Red Pill Super Star GayLubeOil has commissioned a team of top-notch international Alpha (ฮฑ) scientists to study this dangerous, crippling, and likely irreversible disease. In order to identify the etiology of Boomer behavior, actual wild Boomers were observed in their natural habitats, an unpleasant and harrowing experience. Innumerable hours were spent in the field, sampling Boomers in order to get statistically significant N and p values. Although countless anecdotes exist to paint a troublesome picture of the Boomer situation, this more objective and time-consuming route was chosen to satisfy the pedantic standards of the objective materialist gentlemen that comprise The Red Pill. A recent court injunction forbids us from speaking as to whether every scientist made it out alive, but let us finish by saying that great sacrifices had to be made in furtherance of our scientific endeavor.

Growing up, I saw the changes in demographics, economic problems, social decay, and other large problems that did not have a clear cause. I searched for answers to the question of why the quality of life in the West had declined so rapidly since the 1970s. It was at this time that I came to know The Boomer. He sat there in his living room, watching sportsball and drinking lite beer. He gave me advice such as โ€œbe sure to stand up straight and look the other person in the eyes when you speak to themโ€ and โ€œyou should go into that business and ask for a job.โ€ As I began to argue with the Boomer, the better I came to know his dialectic. First, he counted on the stupidity of his adversary, and then, when this didnโ€™t work, he pretended not to understand. When I challenged his belief about the economy not having changed since the 1950s, he changed the subject in a hurry, quoted platitudes such as โ€œpersonal responsibilityโ€ and โ€œcleaning your room.โ€ If I continued with the previous argument, he immediately related to entirely different matters, and then, if again attacked, gave ground and pretended not to know exactly what I was talking about. Even when I was successful in showing him that his spoiled generation shit the bed for subsequent generations, the Boomer had not the slightest recollection of it the next day! He rattled off his same old nonsense as though nothing at all had happened, and, if indignantly challenged, affected amazement; he couldn't remember a thing, except that he had proved the correctness of his assertions the previous day. As I encountered other Boomers, their arguments would follow the same pattern. Gradually I began to hate them.

As I began to understand the Boomer, I realized that it was not merely a generational phenomenon. No! For there are Boomers among the readers of The Red Pill. The Boomers alter their appearance when they leave their suburban haunts for the city. In plain language, Boomer dwellings are filthy and neglected. Their wealth was accumulated not via hard work but by the sheer providence of being born into a good economy. This has afforded them the luxury of a slothful existence and subsequently created a slothful mind. But in the younger generation of Boomers, known as the 30-year-old Boomers, the assimilation has reached its zenith. Outwardly they try to act just like other Millennials and Zoomers. People without good instincts let themselves be deceived by this mimicry, and consider the Boomers the same as they are. Therein lies the enormous danger. These assimilated Boomers remain forever foreign bodies in the organisms of their host peoples, regardless of appearances. They have the same mindset and beliefs as their filthy suburb-dwelling ancestors, but they move around and dress in the fashion of Millennials and Zoomers.

There are ways to expose the Boomer. Certain tells are obvious: a distaste for big picture thinking, a habit of romanticizing the grind as a coping mechanism, and a belief in personal agency with total blindness to contingent circumstances. Others are more subtle: putting money into a government-run retirement account, advising their children to buy a house at the peak of the market, or hoarding cash in a savings account because it will โ€œaccumulate interest.โ€ They believe everything that Hollywood has taught them and they truly believe that hard work and honesty will be rewarded. Above all, anything that interrupts their comfortable life in pursuit of pleasure will be violently rejected.

Now that we fully understand the mental patterns of the Boomer, the logical follow up is understanding how those patterns are imparted. Man is shaped by the labor he performs. A man who is able to control the means of his labor, its production, and its ultimate utilization will feel much more in place in the world than a man who works in a factory painting rainbows on silicone dildos. Stupefying work makes you stupid. A Boomer is made through decades of pencil pushing, office meetings, and meaningless monotonous tasks. Much of this is due to the fact that most people work for someone else and that someone else is usually a Boomer.

Boomers equate time and labor with value rather than results. It doesnโ€™t matter how productive you are, if youโ€™re not working eight hours a day, youโ€™re costing money according to Boomer Logic. Boomers mistakenly believe that pointless grind creates value. They don't understand that 2-3 hours of uninterrupted deep work is often as productive or more than 8 hours of regular work.

In conclusion Boomers are created by stupefying dull uncreative Boomer work. Normal happy well-adjusted people are Boomerfied into narrow-minded degenerate Boomers, by Boomer bosses who value time expenditure over real productivity. In short, if you submit to the Wage Cage and do not find interesting engaging and stimulating income, then any spark of intelligence, creativity or humor will be snuffed out long before you reach middle age. If you do not heed my warning now and find a mentally stimulating stream of income you will have soda in one hand, a flaccid penis in the other, a blaring television before you and a mobility scooter beneath you. Heed my warning now lest you die an obese boomer buried in a piano case.

I've mentored thousands of men through fitness and philosophy coaching, here are a few of their experiences in their own words. You can contact me through that link or shoot me a PM if interested.

Iโ€™ve created a public Telegram channel, an uncensorable fortress, for my spiciest content I can't post on Reddit.