As you are reading this, our mod team is hard at work banning a few hundred members en masse over what can only be labeled severe retardation or a case of runaway Asperger's.

If you recently found yourself banned and you just don't know why, here's the reason:

  • If you read /u/gaylubeoil's latest post and saw his analogy to how culture is treating /r/the_donald but ignored the analogy and conflated that with politics has suddenly taken over TRP, you're gone.

  • If you purposefully misunderstand the point of what's written, or are legitimately that stupid not to get it, you're gone.

  • If you don't care to grow your own power or help others here build tools for /r/theredpill, you can always just ignore it. If you instead complained and whined, and tried to stop progress like a god damn feminist, you're gone.

  • If you complained that the content here is getting worse, but your submission history is all in /r/deadbedrooms, you're gone.

  • If you're annoying or don't understand that respect here is earned, not given out like gold stars in kindergarten, you're gone.

  • If you want to complain in this thread and test your luck, you're gone.

This purge was long overdue.