There's a pattern I see a lot here (including myself of course), guys who were complete beta males yesterday are opened to a flood of knowledge of TRP and game/PUA, and expecting to implement these concepts as soon as possible. They read glorious FR's and advanced theory and it only adds to the anger phase, adding on the pressure of what they must become to succeed in society. Suddenly, they need to be aware of a plethora of rules underlying each conversation they have.

As a result, they fail countlessly, which is demotivating as fuck (at least to me). I've read a post once of a guy who approached 60 girls in one day and couldn't land ONE date. He was pulling himself back heroically through that post and brushing it off. Fuck that's strong, man. I was always the perfectionist kind of Nice Guy, afraid of showing my failures while learning, so approach anxiety was pretty tough at first. I wanted to learn enough theory so I'd have at least SOME chance of landing a date or any success. My body was already in shape, my clothes were fine, my confidence had more high's than low's...all I lacked was interaction. I'd only focus on dominating my interactions with with people I already knew, never putting myself out there for people who have no idea what my status is among my friends.

What broke the chain of the infamous Approach Anxiety was a realization that I much later found materialized in two posts:

1) An RSD Julien video about Verbal Structure

2) A recent post by no_face about Social Circle Game.

One day, I naturally had conversation with a shitload of random people, none of them hot girls I wanna fuck. The janitor guy in the elevator that has an interesting necklace, the old fat lady on the subway, the cab driver that I can't even see his face, and then finally, a hot girl on the subway that looks like the Overly Attached Girlfriend meme. That was my opening line, you look like X (very effective if X is slightly insulting because it's a good push/pull when you say no I actually find her cute).

Next day, very hot girl sits next to me in the library, goes to scan something and we hold eye contact for 2 seconds and the scanner doesn't work, she returns. I pretty much fail the start, I say "Is the scanner still not working?" and she has this face of "Why would you care, who would ask that?" but I was rock solid from all this approach confidence, strong eye contact, unshakable frame, I'm now a guy who feels entitled to conversation having gone through so much of it, waiting for her to answer my question, not filling the silence. To my surprise she says “Oh um no it’s not working…have I met you before?” I say no and she tries explaining herself why she thought she met me etc. From that point on, I’m casually dominating the conversation and then turning focus to my laptop, and she’s the one more interested in conversation. #-closed and only dated her a month later when I was off monk mode.

This is the way natural alphas rise up in society. This is how they get popular, they plant seeds. They start at the exact same position I was stuck at: Good appearance and confidence, very low experience. They gradually start talking to more and more people, finding comfort in the fact that it’s fun having random convo’s. When someone rejects them or they fail miserably, so what, everyone else finds it an honor to talk to them, BAM the Birth of Abundance Mentality. When it comes to girls, their popularity with everyone and comfort in talking makes them attractive to girls, they catch oneitis a couple of times before realizing how many girls there are, BAM the birth of outcome independence. They gradually get more experienced in social dynamics, noticing what people will be like before they talk to them, noticing what worked surprisingly well and what put people off, finding ways to relate to people faster, BAM the birth of amused mastery. Before you know it, this guy is the player who’s friends with every promoter, bartender, and bouncer in his neighborhood.

It doesn’t come easy. We should thank our lucky stars it’s tough as fuck, otherwise we can’t become the men among the boys. So get comfortable in the process, don’t aim too high. First order of business if you still put girls on a pedestal, monk fucking mode man. You need to feel what it’s like to not care about girls. Do nothing in your life but lift, work, socialize, sleep, repeat. Don’t go on dates, but build rapport with EVERYONE, approach every person you meet, every opportunity for a random comment you have, get numbers, and onto the next.

For more on monk mode: (Thanks to /u/IllimitableMan)

TL;DR: It’s very important to focus on the advanced concepts of TRP to dominate interactions of everyone you know…but the most effective way to release girls off the pedestal is monk mode while approaching everyone alike, be it blue collar guys, fat girls, or hot girls alike. Have some conversational structure, ask about their day, relate to them, and onto the next.