Beautiful women are paper money. Men are precious metals. Unless the former is backed by the latter, it is worth nothing.

What Is a Bubble? (by Will Kenton)

A bubble is an economic cycle that is characterized by the rapid escalation of market value, particularly in the price of assets. This fast inflation is followed by a quick decrease in value, or a contraction, that is sometimes referred to as a "crash" or a "bubble burst."

Typically, a bubble is created by a surge in asset prices that is driven by exuberant market behavior. During a bubble, assets typically trade at a price, or within a price range, that greatly exceeds the asset's intrinsic value (the price does not align with the fundamentals of the asset).

At TRP we are referring to the global dating pool as the sexual market place - and likewise we attribute sexual market value to people. This value attribution shows itself in either the 1-10 scale (for women) or in the alpha-beta dychotomy (for men).

However, in recent times, I have observed an increasing influx of blackpill fatalism, stating myths such as "only elite men can get 8s and 9s" and "women only want the top 20% of men", etc.

While those statements are rooted in somewhat factual obversation, their conclusions and the subsequently derived behavior is wrong.

Ironically it is the mirror image of the spoiled modern woman who "wants it all". Modern women, indoctrinated by both the feminist and cosmo cool-aid believe that all of them will some day meet their perfect prince charming. The precious metal that is the alpha male.

But both women and blackpillers ignore the economic reality of sexual resource allocation. Both are sexual marxists.

This creates a conundrum. Since most Chads don't spend their lives as full-time man-whores, there is only so much available at any time. Accordingly, the demand for Chads exceeds their supply many times over.

At the same times, most women have priced their assets at chad-level and are doing their best to optimize themselves accordingly - but since there aren't enough Chads to go around anyways, this efford becomes increasingly futile.

It is a bit like opening a Porsche dealership in a city where people can only afford Toyotas: Its not that people do not want the Porsches - they can not afford them for the price you ask. It simply does not matter if your new model is 0.5% more attractive. And a car that does not sell is worth... nothing.

But while the problem of women pricing themselves out of the market has existed for quite some time, it is now reaching its final stage. The bubble is about to burst.

The final cycle of inflation has been started with the increasing dominance of online dating. Much like Amazon, Tinder has unified the sexual market place: Setting up everyone in competion with every one else and (more importantly) bringing in new Chads as well as streamlining the process for existing ones.

This cycle is now coming to its end. All Chads have been fed into the market and there even have been pushes to free up more Chads from monogamy (by normalizing open marriages). Covid has been an additional catalyst: The dating scene has grinded to a halt. People are now optimizing their logistics to minimize virus exposure, allocating resources even faster.

So what is going to happen if the bubble bursts?

If previous economic crises are any indicator, the burst of the sexual market bubble is going to lead a rapid price drops in female sexuality. It is going to be a race to the bottom.

Once it becomes widely apparent that most women are not going to get their high tier Chads, they will set their sights on Baby Chads and other low tier alphas, eventually moving on to high tier betas, and so forth. Those men on the other hand, now flooded with a kind of attention not known before, will become increasingly alert and will opt to wait, rather than buy in.

A small-scale model of this process would be "hitting the wall" - the settling down phase which coincides with a woman losing her attractiveness in her late 20s or early 30s. However, in the past this has been a gradual decline that was barely noticable to passing observers (read: men).

But if/when the bubble is going to burst, it will be like all women hit the wall at once.

And the noise of the impact will send ripples through space time.

So what is the take away? Nothing new, really.

Shut up and lift. Eat clean and stay healthy. Focus on yourself. Make fuck-you-money. Read and remain stoic.