Aight ma’fuckaz...

Today I thought I’d share something, as it may resonate with some of you...

MISSION...should you choose to accept it...

The last two weeks I’ve been struggling. Struggling within myself. Restless, irritated and my usual frame barely holding together. It was there, but barely held together like a falling to pieces Monet, or Rembrandt. Yes, I just compared myself to Monet and Rembrandt. Whatever. Zero fucks given.

Seriously, though, I was off kilter, starting to feel those niggling little pangs of depression, and uncomfortablness in my own skin.

Thank fuck I’m solution focused, and caught this early. I’m trying deep meditations, gym sessions, and reading. I’m leading others in my job. Nothing seems to cure it. A few days ago I sit outside the gym in turmoil. How the fuck do I rid this feeling? I walk in, do two sets, and say ‘fuck it’. I walk out. A case of the ‘fuck its’. Shit, this ain’t good. A week ago I’m having one of the hottest chicks in the place look at me and choose the machine next to me out of a gym full of empty spots. Another little chick does the same thing the next day...basically presenting herself like a shop mannequin, only picking up her top off the floor and changing spots when I casually walked out without talking to her (yeah, these streets are always watching). Shit, Innaskillz, wtf has happened?

I’m eternally grateful that since 4 years ago, coming into rehab with no clothes, no job, no wife (thank fuck), and no future (yeah, being an un-calibrated badboy works wonders), I’ve been connected to something. Mission.

I caught myself, and realised that I wasn’t on it.

Those moments have always defined me. When I’m feeling my back against the wall, something bigger than me intervenes, and I realise the importance of purpose, mission, goals. When I’m not connected, and moving towards something big, I seem to die.

I always accrue wisdom after having those times.

So that’s what I’m writing about, the importance of mission for any man with a trace of Alpha in his blood.

Choose where to lay your foundation. Many men came to red pill feeling broken, lost, low self-worth, low self-esteem. Many just wanted to know how to get pussy, still lost in the BP haze, thinking the touch of a woman solves all.

If you’re not on a path, working to achieve something, working to lay your mark in this world and fulfill your potential, when you finally get that pussy you worked so hard for, read so much sidebar for, lifted, dressed, ate, shat and slept for, you’ll be left, is you. Outside pleasures are fleeting and impermanent. Sure, you can call that plate a few more times...desperately wanting to repeat the impermanent solution to your emptiness, but it’s not long until she senses something is off, and ghosts. You’re a ghost, it’s a bitch when the world reflects yourself to you.

Never EVER make women your mission. If you have any shred of self-honesty and self awareness, and can honestly say getting pussy is the most important thing in the world right now, then you’ve fucked up.

See, self-worth, self-esteem, validation, approval, cannot be based in women. It is so impermanent. Once second you have a ton of IOI’s and great conversation,a couple plates on the go, the next, not so many. Some days they all love you, the other they’re in cycle and not giving a fuck. Sometimes your king of the world, and your game is tight as fuck, other times you’re just not interested. Their approval and validation isn’t in your hands, either, as much as we learn on game and smv, it’s not in your power to just flick a button when you need a hit and change their brain.

If you’re basing your foundation of self-worth, self-esteem, self-acceptance and manhood in women, you’re on shaky ground. Especially when the rest of your shit is not in order.

For myself, mission is the backbone of everything. It’s the source that fuels my lifeblood. I completed a huge goal a few months ago, got into the industry I wanted to, moved forward hugely in life and proved a lot to myself. But I realised I was going into auto-pilot. Cruising. Putting off a few things to begin the drive towards my next goal. Maybe it was laziness, arrogance, self-entitlement. I was putting in the work. Big mistake.

I realise when I am not on my mission, I start not caring about outside things. We all have our definitions of Alpha, and we all know we swing at various points on the bell-curb at times. For myself, though, a defining characteristic of Alpha, is being consumed and fueled by his mission and purpose. That drive from within. That ability to say ‘fuck it, I am that good...and I am GOING to achieve this this, and this’. Without it, the little things don’t mean anything to me, and I slowly die. That chicks wants me to talk to her? Don’t give a shit. I have cash in the bank? Don’t give a shit. It’s all petty.

I have drive, and ambition. Where betas take refuge in rationalizing why they ‘could never do THAT’, I take refuge in doing it.

So, it’s about foundation. Many have said red-pill differed from PUA, in that we BECOME men of value. A foundation...not a presentation. Roots, not masks. The greatest foundation for self-worth, self-esteem, self approval, validation and self-acceptance, is mission.

Mission is constant, it’s solid, it’s lasting. Once you make the choice to get on, it’s there until you decide to hope off, give up, or give-in. Until you succumb to the fucking pleasure palace. Those days feeling down, I still take refuge in the fact I’m one day close to the next goal. Mission gives me a long lasting source for self approval and validation. IDGAF what you think of me, I’m self-proven.

For myself, it’s about asking honestly, when it comes to REAL, TRUE frame, PRIZE, IDGAF, ABUNDANCE, what’s the foundation for it? It’s in the fact that I’m better than most. The 80%. I set big goals from impossible beginnings, and I get there.

When it comes to game, and women, it fuels those areas. I have the most rock solid frame, no approach anxiety, and it’s not long before women are saying you’re so ‘different, so independent, so driven’. So many of the mentalities we promote, so many game tactics, so many attractive qualities arise naturally from a man with a solid mission. It allows low investment, outcome independence. Gaming and pursuing women becomes.a fun past-time, not the whole purpose. It lowers levels of neediness and over-effort. Red Pill is about understanding those things that are attractive and asking what really gives a man those qualities.

Thinking that getting women will fuel your frame to take into the rest of life, is putting the cart before the horse.

So build a mission. Get fucking serious. No retarded dreams which may or may not happen. No waiting for a breakthrough to come BEFORE getting your shit together. Think about who you are, what you bring to the table, and how you’re going to stand out. Think about what it takes to get there. Trace it all the way back to the things you have to do now, on a daily and weekly basis, to make those bigger things possible. What are you working towards?

Men are born to move forward. Sure, we can take some time out to relax, fuck around, just blow off steam every now and then, but we’re made to get back on the horse, soon. Women are built to fuck around aimlessly in the moment, just reacting to whatever comes.

Men move forward. We go from A to B. We are constantly wanting to build ourselves. Mission gives us priority, direction, discipline. Inner fulfillment and passion. For myself, it is the he that holds my frame together.

So it's onto another verse, and taking action in living my lyrics...

Do you have a foundation, or a front?

EDIT: tons of grammar and spelling. Wrote this very quickly.

EDIT: Wrote this in a comment, and thought it was good to share;

'Yes, it fucks dudes up. Logically it's a terrible path. Laying your emotional foundation in women.

You don't have control over women, so to speak. Approval, validation, attraction comes and goes.

Especially if you don't have a solid life foundation...eventually you get depressed and empty. Then the approval guy's seek is fuelled with neediness, desperation and really giving a fuck. Outcome dependence.

A mission fulfills a man's desire for meaning, approval, self-validation. A mission gives life foundation, and emotional foundation.

Then you can take that energy towards women. Much stronger idgaf, outcome dependence and prize. 'I'm good, I know I'm the shit and achieving big things', take me or leave me.

Yeah, a lot of guys in RedPill and ASKthetedpill need to get their fucking house in order.