TLDR: Wife (31F) has 3 kids and it turns into a sexless marriage; she claims it makes her physically ill to have sex with her husband (34M). After several years of a sexless marriage, hubby was in school working on his dissertation, trying to become a better provider for his family. She emotionally cheats on him with an alpha gym owner, which escalates to physical cheating, but hamsters in her head that it's ok because she was refusing vaginal sex. After about a year, the gym owner rapes her and she falls in love with him, and then they start having vaginal sex from then on. She started making plans to leave hubby for the gym owner. When hubby finds out about the affair and she finds out she was just one of her rapist's plates, she becomes suicidal.
Hubby has been financially supporting her throughout the marriage. Hubby paid for the babysitter she dropped the kids off at when she went to fuck the gym owner. Hubby paid for their psychiatrist to deal with the trauma. AF/BB. Hubby has been trying to fix the marriage for three years since the affair came out and she was putting in zero effort. She won't even engage in any physical contact with him anymore. Hubby is a broken man because his wife is a cheating slut, and yet he still continues to give her the benefit of the doubt, downplaying his own victimization and up-playing hers. His post is titled "My Wife Was Sexually Traumatized. I want to leave. What do I do?"
Let me be clear: I'm not saying it was a good thing that she was raped or that she deserved it because rape is a horrible thing. I'm just saying that if I found out that the guy my wife was cheating on me with raped her while they were getting intimate, I'd feel more bad for a dead deer on the side of the road than I would for her.
He is hesitant to serve her because she is financially dependent on him and it will break her heart. He is actually under the delusion that she is a wonderful mother. Yes, a wonderful mother who doesn't spend as much time with her kids because she's too busy cheating on their father. This guy is scarred for life.
Sexless marriage, cheating, hamstering, threatening suicide, AF/BB...I don't even consider myself to be a red piller but this a textbook case of how Blue Pill thinking ruins men. I almost feel like it's too textbook, like someone from this sub is trolling other subs. Then I remembered that there are actually people out there who think like these two people.
[–]Redrog1235 points236 points237 points (44 children) | Copy Link
[–]netgrey 56 points56 points56 points [recovered] | Copy Link
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