Spoiler alert: You don't want to watch this movie, and I'm going to give you the plot line here.
Amy Schumer is an early 30's (?) woman who has been consistently hooking up with hot guys for a while. She breaks up with one (John Cena), and meets a doctor. She looks to me like she is right at the wall. Not just any doctor, mind you. A doctor who has a new technique for sports knee surgery who regularly gets the attention of top tier professional athletes like Lebron James and Amar'e Stoudemire. She starts off treating him like any other hookup, but of course falls for him. They have a falling out, they get back together, everyone lives happily ever after.
Key moments & themes
"I have a no-sleep-over rule." She won't sleep at the guy's place, and won't let him sleep at hers. Actually, I don't think we ever see her place during the movie. She breaks this rule immediately, thus establishing the women-lack-agency theme.
During the breakup phase, the doctor is shown to have an empty life, with no friends. He's unhappy because she isn't there. This is utterly ridiculous because when she is around, he's got the attention of all the top athletes and the Knicks cheerleaders.
She brings up that she's slept with lots of guys. "How many?" he asks. "What, you mean this month? How many women have you slept with?" "Three. I've slept with three." "Me too! I've also slept with three women." The implication is that she's successful because she's fucked lots of guys. This is clearly a big deal for the doctor (he says it's a big deal to him), and not in a good way, but somehow is never addressed and is ignored in the ending.
At one point, he's delivering a speech to a bunch of world famous athletes and other high class people. She's there as his date, and her phone rings, so she leaves the event and answers it. Her phone call from her boss is somehow more important than this career-defining for a world famous doctor. She makes fun of him for carrying his award out in the hall to come find her.
During the course of this movie, she loses her job because during the breakup, she almost hooks up with a 16 year old intern from work (with some bdsm play where she hits him and then his mom walks in). Though I don't get how there's a full time intern who is 16 years old because High School.
During the breakup phase, while she goes out to the club for some free male attention, the doctor is alone and sad.
She goes to see her sister and says, "There's lots of negatives about him. I mean, the sex is great, but it's not the best sex I've ever had." Her sister responds, "You don't want to marry the best sex you've ever had. The best sex you've ever had is in prison." Some RP truth there.
She writes an article about how great the doctor is and all is forgiven. He works his life on his career to make industry breakthroughs to get her attention, but all she has to do is give him a little attention and he's all hers!
So, it's the modern fairy tale: fuck whoever you want while you're young, then when that ride is done, get off it and marry a doctor who loves you no matter what and wants to have a couple kids with you. He will ignore your lack of culture and taste and also ignore your extremely high partner count. You never have to work another day in your life.
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