There's a hidden world of people who live a wild nightlife, and the majority are women. HB's get a free ride on this fun train, but for guys, entry is restricted. RSD founder Owen Cook described it as the secret society.

In Party World, conventional social norms has been stripped away. Women act uninhibited, without much so concern for rules and consequences.

A young woman is encouraged to use the decade of her 20's as her "party years" and Party World fuels and fulfills this YOLO attitude. She may start off innocent, but once she gets a dose of PG (Party Girl) stimulation and validation, she gets hooked into the scene.

Abundance, confidence, freedom of expression, IDGAF attitude and positive emotional vibe demonstrate your AF (Alpha Fux) worthiness. Through uninhibited behavior and setting a positive emotional tone, you can immediately draw a woman out of her restrictive logical side where she too can act uninhibited.

A woman is "expected" to take care of the sexual needs of the qualified man as if they were in a relationship, without any strings attached. He makes her feel alive and she reciprocates by satisfying him sexually. When it comes to having fun, she doesn't make casual sex a big deal because he doesn't.

Red Pill viewpoint, "No one is a slut in the secret society, because the secret society does not judge. All the kinky sex is just happy by-product of having fun and doesn't count."

Straight people go about their daily routines and don't know this Party World exists. Party crowd can act straight and blend into Straight World, holding down regular jobs if necessary. Just don't count on them showing up on time Monday mornings.

Straight people are totally out of their element when they stumble into Party World. They can't cut loose.

By comparison, regular life is dull, stifled, full of restrictions and controlled by older, authoritative figures who kill the buzz regarding uninhibited fun. In Party World, conventional rules don't apply and power is flipped on its head, with hot young girls topping the social hierarchy.

SMV dominates the social hierarchy in this environment, and sexual power, normally kept suppressed, is on full display.

This alternate reality is the natural dynamic of the party crowd. This is where many young women explore their sexuality, along with the conspicuous consumption of alcohol and drugs. And where a small percentage of men get plenty of sex.

Party people don't talk about party life with straight people because they're too judgmental and too negative. They couldn't handle the expression of freedom and sexuality to this degree.

The small number of hetero males who are hip to the scene get all the action happily keep their mouths shut about the details of Party World.

When you meet a girl from Party World in the daytime, she's accustomed to masking her PG persona. If you engage her in some flirty banter, she'll recognize you're a fellow member of the party crowd and she'll open up to you in a more flirty sexual manner. She may even duck away with you for a quick bit of fun. In Party World, sex is casual and women understand it's the price of admission to hang with those top-tier men.

How do you get into Party World? HB is automatically invited. The combination of a pretty face, a hot body and female genitalia (pussy power) make her an instant celebrity. She gets treated like royalty.

Being beautiful, she is constantly validated by men, including those top-shelf guys every girl wants. This gives her that confidence and sense of entitlement in the game, allowing her to dismiss all those AFC's she perceives as beneath her.

As a guy, you have to earn your way in. You have to show you're unstifled, non-judgemental, socially evolved, unbelievably positive, and sexually open. A guy must either be very sexy, very cool, or wealthy enough to keep the party vibe going. If he's all three, he's the shit.

As a male member of Party World, girls will treat you differently. Conversations are very uninhibited. Love is open and free-flowing in Party World. She'll talk in a somewhat slutty manner and treat you like a lover.

PG has high SMV. She brings her sexy look and slutty-girl approach to the table. She's part strip tease artist, part girl-next door.

PG may have started as a GG, but it doesn't take long for her to become another parasite - a siren who'll lead a foolish man to his ruin. You provide the money and she'll help you burn through it having a wild, fun time in Party World.

If you're NOT hot enough, cool enough or wealthy enough to belong, you'll get left behind with all those other lame-ass guys from Straight World. The annoying kind of guys a hardcore PG won't give the time of day to.

A PG has the power of choice and will seek out the most attractive guys exuding confidence and security. They also tend to be cool with sex and not the type of guy to get clingy. It's their confidence and security that turn her on because she craves feeling that way.

Meanwhile, AVERAGE GUY, who is dripping with insecurity, all too eager to save her from herself and instinctively treating her like the little princess she isn't... he gets no action.

In Party World everything is relaxed and loose. When the party begins, normal restrictive rules fall away. You become more wild and uninhibited. Female beauty is highly prized and the sexual vibe is intensified.

PG's love to mingle, dance and play seductive games. They become hyped-up stimulus junkies chasing the next shiny object. Drinking, drugs and sex are typically included in the mix.

PG's are an exaggerated version of the modern female psyche. They're transient creatures, flitting from one man to the next. They develop a powerful sense of entitlement and can easily rationalize away all their less-than-angelic behavior.

PG's doll themselves up and wear social masks with amped up personalities. They play it off their trashy-girl behavior as just a role they play. But they crave belonging to the scene and they begin to identify themselves more and more with the PG role they play.

The mask can hide some serious personality and addiction issues... There are many cocaine-addicted pretty young things willing to hookup with guys who'll keep them supplied... Older Sugar Daddies willing to financially support a younger girl's expensive tastes and lifestyle in exchange for sexual access. Whatever it takes to keep the party going.

A PG can be incredibly fun and very sexual... Sex isn't sacred. Sex is an essential part of the party scene and required to keep that party vibe going. But because she's always surrounded by other tempting options, promiscuity abounds and monogamous relationships tend to be short-lived.

Feminism has pressured society to be more accepting of female choices, including promiscuity. Young girls are encouraged to explore their sexuality. Enticed into Party World, any innocence is quickly shed.

Some PG's peak in maturity at age eighteen. In a similar manner to girls who marry young, they don't evolve much beyond that age and hang onto their little-girl qualities. They depend on men to support them while mocking them for their easily exploited weakness (pussy addiction).

Between the booze, drugs and lack of incentive to work any harder, PG's find themselves in a deep hole as they grow older (making that Sugar Daddy option all the more tempting). In sticking to the PG role, they've never had to prove they have a brain or demonstrate competence in anything other than dancing, sex and looking pretty.

At some point in her late twenties, even a diehard PG outgrows that scene. It doesn't dominate her life or give her the same kick anymore. But it's hard for a girl not to come away more jaded about men and tainted by the toxic aspects of her lifestyle choices.

Making the transition from attention-whore to respectable citizen can be challenging. The hard part is building up an identity beyond the party scene where she no longer has that automatic advantage where her beauty had given her so much instant status and power.

Some girls find work in a nightlife industry - nightclubs, bars, strip clubs - wherever they can leverage their beauty for more money and a chance to meet more HV Guys.

There's a myth that a girl just has to be cute and sexually skilled and she can land any HV Guy she wants... She can have sex with them, and can temporarily boost her lifestyle through sexual transaction - getting free trips, meals, parties, and such... But for quality men, there's a distinct difference between the girls they bed and the ones they wed.

At some point, the party ends for PG and the aftermath isn't pretty... Being endlessly seduced by guys, she was made to feel powerful and relevant. She believed she was special... Now her beauty is fading and she needs to develop RMV (Relationship Market Value) that isn't based on her appearance and party skills.

Having tasted the party life, a former PG will often maintain her sexual appetite, even as her beauty fades. She'll sleep with HV Guys, but she won't be able to hold onto any of them. And increased promiscuity can lead to a higher sense of entitlement and unrealistic standards.

The slut strategy is to keep sleeping with guys until one sticks and enjoying the carousel ride in the meantime.

The girlfriend strategy is to develop some redeeming qualities beyond sex. But that takes a lot more effort, so many girls choose the slut route; following their vagina tingles from one guy to the next.

Eventually, PG will marry a provider chump who is thrilled to get an older version of HB and play the role of Captain-Save-a-Ho. She may even entrap him with an "unplanned" pregnancy, or attempt to endear him to her previously spawned "alpha trophy."

If you attempted to rescue a girl from the self-destructive aspects of Party World, she would laugh at you. She's having the time of her life and believes she can continue having it all without consequences. The further she ventures from Straight World, the harder it is for her to ever go back again.

The other hidden problem is that a woman in her thirties often has a diminished sex drive. After riding the carousel for a decade, she has less desire for sex, not more. She has grown to deeply resent men. Her womb is scarred from bouts of STD's, dried up from sexual boredom and often barren. With an excess of fat, sass and notches to her credit, she's a poor candidate for LTR and unsuitable as a mother.

Her entitlement rises with every Alpha dick she rides... Even if she manipulated, cheated on and abandoned the men in her life, she still feels entitled to getting the perfect catch who will willingly hand over access to half his assets in exchange for the diminishing assets she brings to the table.

She over-estimates her SMV. Beta chump treat her like a princess and she has slept with her share of HV Guys, so she feels equally entitled to wed them. Even in cases when she brings little value to the table beyond her sex.

These former PG's move on with their lives, but still like to revisit Party World - where they can slip the mask back on, if only for a few hours. They'll bed the alpha guy every girl wants and rekindle that babe-in-the-spotlight feeling of being a sexual trophy.

Even if she's married, the siren call of sexual adventure still beckons and she'll always be tempted to taste again what has now become forbidden fruit.

Beware those PG types who frequent bars and clubs. As veterans of the game, they know how to play you. Don't fall prey to parasitic people. And remember that attractive packaging can hide damaged goods.

Straight guys get played for the chumps they are. Happy to not be alone, they aren't discerning enough about a woman's social habits. Understand that a PG can be fun for a night, but she can destroy your life if you grow attached... That's why you want to screen girls for their clubbing habits.

Chase Amante explains, "Before you let yourself invest any considerable amount of time or emotion in a woman, you must screen out the women who are most likely to become a liability later on down the line.

"It's very difficult to un-involve yourself with a woman you've begun investing in and developing feelings for. She must be screened prior to this.

"Pick girlfriends who will not just be good girlfriends, but who will be good for your life - who will be, rather than destructive distractions, constructive focus-enhancers.

"There are so many amazing women out there who are well suited to relationships. Club girls, party girls, and girls-night-out girls are great - just, not as your partner."