So I've been with a handful of ladies but I finally found myself a nice bombshell christian virgin, this started off as a pretty pure relationship of "no sex for a year"... Almost two months later I'm railing her everyday, turned her into a complete horn-dog. We smoked weed for the first time, drank together. I've made her come out of her comfort zone. She's brought up marriage before, ha.
Now what do you guys think about this, I can just easily keep her under my leash or should I be worried about her straying off eventually?
Maybe the only thing I should be worried about is myself getting bored.
**Edit to clarify, yes, physically I knew she was a virgin, the guy before me dated her for 3 years and during the entire relationship she only kissed him and gave him one blowjob. I look at this guy and I have no idea what she was doing with him, using him for nice things.
It's been a couple months and usually whenever I want a bj she'll gladly give one, most of the time swallowing.
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