Summary Matt Kroc trying to become a woman debunks "gender" theories. What body building and transing have in common.
When the popular body builder Matt Kroc decided to pretend to be a woman, many young bodybuilders were left bewildered- not because they would admit to thinking anything bigoted about his behavior (can't be intolerant!) but what really confused them was how an embodiment of muscular development and aggression could suddenly go from one end of the sexual spectrum to the other.
The confusion actually comes from the popular assumption that men and women exist on opposite ends of a spectrum. But men and women are not polar opposites. There is no biological or even philosophically useful way to place the two on a single scale. If we do see men and women as such, its logical conclusion leads to nonsense beliefs about a pay gap, double-standards about promiscuity, equality and finally misogyny/misandry. Take to heart the old saying men are from Mars and women are from Venus.
It is much easier to understand Kroc's choice when we simply limit ourselves to asking what sort of man he is. He was a man who found fulfillment transforming his body through extreme measures. Large amounts of hormones and an extreme devotion to harsh training. Is going to such extremes that much different from going to the even greater extremes of hormone replacement and surgery to try to look like a woman? Matt Krocs choice in the context of simply having a radical personality greatly simplifies the issue- the question of why he became a trannie is not all that different from asking why he became a body builder.
Psychologists that have avoided the ridiculous concepts of "gender confusion" or "gender fluidity" know that transgenderism is driven by a sort of sexual desire for women and is normal heterosexual impulses gone haywire. The choice of becoming a massive hunk of muscle or a silicon filled caricature of a woman is just a different shade of extreme behavior. I personally suspect young men are drawn to extreme body building for the reason that they are continually denied access to healthy masculine expression and so in an act of sheer desperation they go to the greatest extreme they can find by idealizing the cartoonish, over-the-top image of what a man's body should be.
To put it in other words, Matt Kroc's masculinity was always about a superficial as his femininity. Accepting transgender as a normal thing isn't a testament to how tolerant our society it, but how intolerant our society is to both masculinity and femininity. This intolerance is currently only understood by the manosphere in the way men are treated as disposable and women's sexuality is commodified.
Lessons learned Gender is bullshit.
This essay was cut short for the sake of brevity. The rest of it can be found at the rWhiteMasculinity
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