As many of you are well aware our tolerant Bloopy buddies have been steadily growing more and more aggressive. It started with Carl the Cuck and Aids Skrillex yelling at Trump supporters on the street. Then Trigglypuff took the act indoors and disrupted Milo's speech at University of Massachusetts Amherst. Next Robert Creamer and in all probability other Democrat Elites paid agent provocateurs to disrupt Trump's rallies. During the inauguration, an Antifa Scat Fetishist punched father of the Alt Right Richard Spencer, and was immediately praised across all social media for his heroic deed. Most recently Bloops went full Ukrainian Maidan at UC Berkley. All of this has been occurring with the full support of Hollywood, the media and the Liberal establishment. So how did this happen? Decades of film and television psychological conditioning have created a generation of White Knight Beta males eager to prove themselves to an imaginary princess in a castle. These unfulfilled despondent men want to be appreciated by women and society. They want to be the hero. They are desperate for meaning in a meaningless postmodern world. In order to live their fantasy they need a villain, and right now that villain is you. What does this mean for us? Our collective experience has shown us that, men don't abandon their delusions until they are absolutely forced to. In fact, most of the men here refused to acknowledged female nature until they had a face to face meeting with hypergamy. Now is when we learn the nature of man. Man is violent, tribal and opportunistic. Weak men are always the first victims. Richard Spencer has never taken physical self development seriously and has never participated in a martial art or combat sport. His first instinct after getting punched in the face was to fix his hair. Ironic hipster Gavin Mcinnes was an easy target and so was Roosh. I know this community better than anyone else and I know as a fact that the vast majority of you LARP masculinity rather than live it. You are out of shape, Have no idea how to defend yourself and worst of all look like it. Let's be a 100% honest, the men here are so soft that they are afraid to speak to women. What would become of them in these situations? Feel free to jerk yourself off in the comments about how much of an Alpha you are. I'm personally not the kind of guy to get between a man and his role playing fantasy. However, if you are upset at whats happening you should probably find a hardcore boxing gym and start taking your masculinity seriously. I'm definitely not advocating for violence. Its not good for you or for us and would only bolster the narrative of the opposition. I'm just reminding you that your responsibility to be ready for the fight never ends.

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