This is my post from /u/Whisper's thread. I thought it deserved it's own topic, so here it is.

Imagine, for a moment, what it's like to be a woman. Imagine that every dumb shit move you ever made in the past, that thing you did when you were fourteen, that time you got drunk and had beer goggles, that thing with your brother's girlfriend in the cabin... imagine that all that shit stayed with you and permanently affected how attractive you were. Remember some of the stupid shit you did before your dark enlightenment? I'll bet some of you fuckers wrote love poetry.

Women bond to men through sex. Men bond through physical and emotional sacrifice. Women are used up by sex in a way men aren't. I've always inherently known this. I find it shocking that so many women aren't privy to this. To me it seems more likely that they are, but simply don't care and think they can lie their way to where they want to be. The thing is, as you say, they never truly win, something always feels missing to them and it's because they've fucked themselves up and their ability to pair bond by riding the carousel so hard. They're chasing a sense of closeness and connection that they can no longer achieve. They have become too desensitised to men, love and sex. They are in a way, soulless, damaged, self-condemned, incapable of the kind of love that fosters happy, lasting monogamy.

And, just like you, the modern woman has had no guidance in how not to fuck up her SMV. Just like you, she has had to figure that shit out for herself. Except, unlike you, she isn't able to erase her past or make it irrelevant. She has to live with it. You get a whole lot of tries, opportunities to learn from your mistakes and fix them. She gets the test, and then the lesson, and no do-overs.

This is why women lie to you about their partner count. Once they figure out that it matters, what the fuck else are they supposed to do?

This is why little girls need a patriarch. Because they could figure shit out for themselves, they are capable of learning, but by the time they've had a chance to, it's too late.

Little girls who grow up without a strong male authority ruling the family have five to six years of non-stop party, then a lifetime of wondering what went wrong. Little girls who do, they miss the early-twenties sex party, but they have more fulfilling lives.

All valid points, however some chicks have very strict parents and still end up being whores who go off the rails. Why? The culture. The father has to work, he can't be there every minute of every day keeping her in check. And if you parent too hard? They hate you and they rebel. They do it on purpose to piss you off and exercise what they feel is their right to freedom. Then you have TV, friends, youth subcultures.. they all push women towards slutdom. Nothing short of living in a rural area can isolate a girl from all the consumerist-sex symbol hedonistic club-culture bullshit that goes on in cities. Women are herdlike, they want to fit in, they want other women to accept them. If they wont wear a higher skirt, or a lower cut top, or more evocative make-up, it can damage their rep with other girls/they can be social outcasts. Dressing plain or conservative can reduce a girl's SMV, she'll get less attention from boys - she's competing with whores, she's insecure, so what is she going to do?

IMO, on top of a patriarch dominating the house, you need religion dominating the morals of a culture to control behaviour/sexuality. I say that as somebody who isn't even religious and thinks religion is fundamentally based upon a lie/flawed premise - but has significant utility in spite of that. Being a good dad isn't enough when all your daughters friends are whores. We're at a stage where most girls are slutty, very few are not. Any man worth his shit knows every girl will say she's not a slut, and that in turn you can trust next to fuck all that comes out of a woman's mouth pertaining to her own personal rep or sexual history. They are all corrupted and hyper-sexualised, be it by companies for advertising or by each other for acceptance. Short of telling your daughter she can't have any friends, how do you stop her peers out-influencing her over you? Her friends will always influence her more than you do - there's nothing you can do about that no matter how alpha you are. It sucks.

The culture is the problem. If you are a strong, assertive, conservative father that wants to raise your daughter right and give her a solid foundation in your life - realise you have a strong decadent culture that heavily embraces dysfunction working against the exact norms you wish to instil into your daughter. Whilst you want to create a woman of wit who knows the value of chastity, monogamy and commitment who is attractive beyond her body, the culture wants your daughter to prostitute herself whenever possible to get ahead - all in the name of women's lib. Don't raise girls in the west, they will most likely grow up to be whores. Whether they hide that well and deny it, or are flagrant and actively embrace the lifestyle is the only distinction - western women for the most part are complete and utter out-and-out whores. You get the odd chick here and there who isn't, the social outcasts of girl world who are still virgins at 25 and have no friends - but they're rare. And just because you don't want your daughter to be a slut, it doesn't mean you want her to be a social outcast. You want a girl who can be socially accepted without being a whore. Where is she gonna find all these other girls who aren't whores or encouraging her to be a whore who aren't total fucking losers?

Feminists/dykes and big business wants your daughter to be a vapid man-hating whore so they can sell her a bunch of shit she doesn't need and make her tap into her inherent fluid (bisexual) sexuality so she'll whore herself out to predatory lesbians when it is necessary for her to get ahead (or she is sufficiently coerced by their head-fucking peer pressuring pseudo-liberal bullshit.) Sounds fucked up, but meditate on that for a second - because it happens. How she gets money for buying shit she doesn't even need is irrelevant (works her own ass off, or leeches from a beta) the companies wanna get their money and see their profits go up. Capitalism/economics doesn't give a shit about society or moral value systems, it's psychopathic it cares about one thing: maximizing profit at the expense of anything and everything. That's it. If profits go up, to capitalism: it's worth it. (And no, I'm not implying socialism is superior, fuck that shit.) Women work less and control more household spending than men. Post-femininity and in the age of feminism, women have been reduced from mothers and wives and people of substantive psychological worth to basic bitches with no value outside their sex.

They act on impulse and do whatever they're told. They buy shit to give themselves the immediate emotional fix they need to "feel complete" temporarily patching up the previous and continuing damage they do to themselves with this fucked up lifestyle. If you believe in a concept of a soul, you'd say they have been conditioned in a way that means they only have part of their soul. They're not quite right or fully cognitive, they live in this strange hypnotic limbo of sluttery, buying shit they don't need "SHOES!" and getting validated. Then once nobody wants their sex it falls apart and they get on the anti-depressants ( Feminism sold women a fat lie, and women need men more than ever now, but they're too dumb to realise it. Instead they hate men more than ever. And as a bonus: men are more feminine than ever, so the women are really fucked with no options and nowhere to go as an alternative to being a whore, whilst the guys are off acting like faggots playing video games, getting fat and avoiding the transition from boyhood to manhood.

What women really crave is an alpha who isn't corrupted by his own power. Instead they settle for bad boys because 1: her instinct draws her to them and most women cannot distinguish between "morally healthy alpha" and "dysfunctional dark triad alpha." Yes you can be DT and healthy (I know the DT's reading this just got butthurt, but save your concerns, that's a topic for another time.) 2: they're a type of alpha more available than the "righteous patriarch archetype." This is really the type of guy an RPW wants fathering her kids/looking after her. He can be bad/tap into his inner animal, but not abusively towards her. He can punish her enough to show he isn't gonna take her shit, but he isn't gonna tear her soul apart because he's got major beef with women and humanity in general. Most "alphas" nowadays are out-and-out cunts who don't give a shit about the women they fuck. They, like the women do to themselves, fully objectify them as just a series of holes to be fucked. And who can blame these guys, really? I'm not saying it's "right" - but I understand it. Most of these women are devoid of personality, so why would you treat them like people? They are basic bitches. The whole fucking thing is fucked.

Obviously the women aren't conscious of a lot of this, they just act it all out ignorantly and keep the cycle going. Whilst society falls into the gutter in the process, because we need decent women but just like "where have all the good men gone?!" we can likewise ask "where have all the interesting non-slutty women gone?!?!" Women who give a shit about morals and principles and actually are disciplined enough not to fuck that hot guy on a spur of the moment and potentially jeopardise their entire family. Proper women of quality who despite their flaws, do their fucking best to keep them in check and don't just run feral because "YAY FREEDOM!" Respectable women who don't dress like prostitutes. Sure an ample supply of sluts sounds great to the mind in your dick, but it doesn't help civilization prosper, it won't make a good mother for your kids one day. It's not sustainable. In decadence women don't give a fuck about family until the attention and high-value cock runs out, it's all about orgasms and getting paid. Then they wonder why there's no happy ever after, completely oblivious that past behaviour has future consequences - especially when it comes to pair bonding.

If you like my writings/opinions, check out my blog to show your support. Keep lifting, eating clean and all that good shit. Now let's discuss this shit.