I've been lurking here for a long time, and found out about the red pill through the MGTOW subreddit. Joined maybe 6-8 months ago. I remember reading something, somewhere here, about the need to move on from your mother, as she is your first love as a boy (male). As I have been absorbing the gold lined pages of wisdom from the many of you veterans here, I have begun to filter my entire world through a red lens. I see the light! What I would like to focus on, is how simply absorbing, analyzing and meditating on vital information can change your actions. Slowly, but it all starts with a thought.

I grew up in a soviet immigrant family. I was born in the states, but my parents came out of the USSR in the very late 80's. They started with nothing and now have the american dream, somewhat. My dad is typical alpha male, and my mom, he probably married her because shes a fantastic house wife. But her brain, even though growing up in a completely different culture, was exactly the same as you would find in the west. I always thought my mom is different. If I could find a woman like that I would marry her in a heart beat. But alas, after going red pill, I have realized how many flaws my mother has. Yes she is an absolutely fantastic cooking and cleaning machine, those are simply learned, step by step skills that I have also learned.

Yes I live with my parents, and even pay rent. No one really asks what I do, where I go. This is helping me save for a proper place of my own. It used to be that my dad would punish me for half assed work, low effort, lack of attention to detail. He would always be mad at me when I couldn't figure something out on my own or handle a family matter when he isn't there at the time. This constant pressure has forced me to adapt. Making split second decisions, handling important matters that matter to he family as a whole is a non issue. Him and me work in tandem, hand in hand. Without my mother knowing he has changed the ownership of the house from Him to Him and Me. I have shed blood and sweat for the family (literally). There is a lot of responsibility handling this wealth that he has managed to accumulate, and I treat everything as my own and he treats everything as mine.

So where is the mom section you ask?

Well, my mom still see's me as her little boy, her son, her errand boy. My sister who is now 20, has completely westernized my mom. When I talk to my mom I realize, being a stay at home mom and having only my sister as a female friend for 90% of her married life, has kept her mind at the level of a 20 year old girl who doesn't have a care in the world about anything other than marriage, making babies and looking pretty. Yes she can handle her own in this life because as me and my sister were growing up, she stayed at home and handled things, but over time responsibilities shifted to me. Thanks to technology and mobile phone addiction (which I have uprooted from my life thanks to trp) her attention span is 0 and the amount of misinformation she consumes is enormous.

I have found myself frequently having to put my foot down on her and my sister, take matters into my own hands, but my mother who still does not understand I am a full grown red pilled man, that she should listen to me instead of argue and claim disrespect. I do not mean disrespect, it is her family and her household, but AWALT takes its toll. She can't use logic, she can't think on her feet, she lacks experience in using technology in a useful manner, she doesn't understand western culture outside of the 80's and 90's and how things have changed.

Due to the harsh times upon us thanks to COVID-19, my father and I have decided to up security measures around the property, stock up on various foods, grains, plant seeds, etc. Thing is, unlike my sister who is home from school, and my mother whose part time job let her go, my father and I are still working full time, and will not be sent home. Picking up supplies, doing online research, preparing for the worst is hard to do when you are already pretty busy. This is where the cracks show. Depending on delegation is no longer working and we had a huge fight between my dad and I, and the women in my house. I understand, men can handle a lot more than women, and can do more, period. But this has nothing to do with the topic. It all came down to my mom trying to throw me under the bus claiming I am irresponsible, that I should carry more of the load. I simply walked away, and let my father put her in her place. I was done arguing about it. I am not her errand boy, I am her future life line if anything is to happen to my father, and I will be the head of the family just as he was, and I answer for my actions in front of the family and the results will speak for themselves. She can doubt me, she can throw me under the bus, she can try to side track me from my goals, but it will have no effect as I only answer to other men.


At one point you grow out of being your moma's boy, her errand boy, her whatever boy. You answer to yourself, to other men even, but not her. She has done her job in feeding you and hopefully you had a father to raise you. I know you love her, but she will always keep you down.

I apologize for any mistakes or inconsistencies with the red pill ahead of time. Still learning, but it was just so obvious that I had to mention it. Thank's for reading.