You may hear that, on average, "Women have higher emotional intelligence."

I believe this to be true -- but! -- like most other Feminism-endorsed truisms, it's a half-truth; it hides the complete picture in a way that flatters women.

On average, women have higher emotional intelligence. (Though, like everything else, the extreme outliers are probably men. Meaning, the most non-social autist AND the most socially/emotionally-skilled person are probably both male.)

Now, Feminists take this fact and they twist it.

"Women have higher emotional intelligence," became, "women are more caring and sympathetic."

THIS, my friends, is bullshit.

Sympathy vs. Empathy

Sympathy -- feelings of pity and sorrow for someone else's misfortune.

Empathy -- the ability to understand and share the feelings of another.

It's unfortunate that these words sound so similar, because the meanings are very different. Sympathy means, feeling FOR another person. Empathy means, absorbing the emotions of another person.

For example, if a woman is listening to her beta complain about his job, she will FEEL his feelings of frustration, anger and helplessness. Her emotionality is very porous; those feelings will push their way into her. However, the only feelings SHE HERSELF will generate, are scorn and disgust for his weakness.

Let's say the same beta spills his guts to his good male friend. He may only absorb 10% of the beta's emotions compared to the GF. However, he will probably generate, within himself, feelings of pity and sorrow for his friend.

The GF empathized with the beta, but did not sympathize. His male friend did the reverse.

This is the truth: women are programmed to feel what others are feeling. But, when it comes to their feelings about the other person, they are fucking ruthless.

Again, Feminism delivers another half-truth: they are accurate about empathy, and then go on to interchange it with sympathy. Don't look for sympathy from women.