A friend is going through a divorce.

Him and his wife met in high school, married after college, grew up in church/a religious community and were virgins when they married.


  • Alpha male growing up
  • Top athlete
  • Ridiculously good looking
  • Intelligent
  • Currently earning 150k as an engineering director


  • Feminine
  • Beautiful
  • Kind
  • Hospitable
  • Cooks/cleans
  • Fun to be around
  • The "ideal" woman/wife we all dream of.

Long story short she leaves him saying she doesn't love him and he's hurt her too deeply. Is ambiguous about leaving him, implies she may get back together. Ultimately she's just playing games and she gets caught in her lies and bullshit. She's been banging the boss for three years (traveling sales job). Scandal at work, she's been promoted as a result of the affair several times, it's all come out and they've both been fired.

Anyway we never thought she'd be the one to cheat and divorce. And we never thought she'd be so vile about it, but she is. For as long as she could she lied and hid as much as possible, even when she left her husband.

The sweet ideal feminine wife turned out to be just as much of a lying whore as anyone. AWALT.