Are you poor? It's all your fault.
Are you living paycheck to paycheck? It's all your fault.
Are you working in a dead end job? It's all your fault.
Are you fat? It's all your fault.
Are you skinny? It's all your fault.
Are you too tired from work to hit the gym? It's all your fault.
Are you bad at making conversation? It's all your fault.
Are you lonely after breakup/moving away/new job? It's all your fault.
Are you (insert whatever excuses). YES, it's all your fault.

Unless you were born with some form of physical disability or mental retardation, everything that's currently wrong with your life is your fault. Does it make you feel better? Of course not, but does it mean you can make changes? Hell yeah, motherfucker.

Are you poor? Go back to school to upgrade yourself.
Are you living paycheck to paycheck? Learn to save your money and stop buying useless toys.
Are you working in a dead end job? Go back to school to upgrade yourself.
Are you fat? Put down the fork, and go lift.
Are you skinny? Lift and eat.
Are you too tired from work to hit the gym? Stop spending hours on Netflix/video games/porn.
Are you bad at making conversation? Watch standups and learn how to banter.
Are you lonely after breakup/moving away/new job? Go out there and meet people.

We are men, and us men have the burden of performance; sitting at home and blaming the world is the domain of women and beta faggots. Instead of wallowing in your own misery, ask yourself this, "what can I do today to better myself?" Find your answer, then go out there and do it.

"Ah, but a man's reach should exceed his grasp, Or what's a heaven for?" - Robert Browning

Edit: typo