It's the start of November. As the year starts wrapping up I see what I've seen a million times before: guys start reflecting on the year that is almost over and make plans for how they'll get started and finally turn things around on January 1st. What I will say to anyone doing that: stop fucking around and start right now.
Go watch this, because me yelling at you will sink in better, but here's the point of what I say:
Guys will spend time creating the perfect plan, only to say they'll do it later. They wait for the prefect moment, when the stars align - or in this case, when the earth aligns with the sun - to actually go after the things they really want. I see this with clients, mates and just people I know who will say: "I can't get started on my goals just yet, first I just need to..."
- Be more confident
- Have more money
- Be stronger or more fit
- Be leaner
- Be living in different circumstances
This list goes on forever with dumb excuses people make to procrastinate putting in hard work. You need to stop being terrified of making mistakes. Putting off your goals until the 'right time' is another way to try and avoid getting things wrong. You lie to yourself, you tell yourself everything will be better, it'll be easier later. Whether it's starting a business, hitting the gym, losing weight or anything you want out of life there's always something you can do right now.
When I started getting laid, I didn't wait. I looked like shit, I was a skinny-fat mess, I was so horribly scared of talking to women when I first started I thought I would throw up on them. I was broke. I didn't care, I worked my ass off and got laid.
By waiting until the new year, you can tell yourself: then it'll be the right time, which means I'll be more motivated, which means it won't be hard, and nothing will go wrong. Fucking. Bullshit. Achieving your goals isn't an easy process, it takes effort, you'll fuck up and there's no amount of waiting you can do to avoid it. There's this stupid notion of a new year being a glamorous period rebirth. It's a: "new year new me".
What you're also telling yourself is that these goals aren't actually that important. You're willing to wait two months, so you're obviously not that serious. So when you finally get to the start of a new year it becomes very easy to make new excuses, you've already made excuses for the last two months.
Time is fucking arbitrary. It's a made up point in the lifespan of the universe that humans have invented. January 1st doesn't mean anything.
"The best time to plant a tree was five years ago, the second best time is right now." Whatever you've said you'll put off - START NOW.
Think about your goals. Go out an take an action TODAY, even if it's a tiny step. Sign up for that gym membership, write a budget, hit on some girls just get the ball rolling. Then comment on this post about what is was. Get started. If you start now, you have an extra two months for next year's goals.
- Andy
[–]mowgli1703 8 points9 points10 points (0 children) | Copy Link
[–]Fogcloud2 5 points6 points7 points (0 children) | Copy Link
[–]mr4kino 22 points23 points24 points (1 child) | Copy Link
[–]NotUltmatecad 2 points3 points4 points (0 children) | Copy Link
[–]Shady-DrugDealer 3 points4 points5 points (0 children) | Copy Link
[–]yellowsquare1980 41 points42 points43 points (2 children) | Copy Link
[–]riggedved 13 points14 points15 points (0 children) | Copy Link
[–]Gaze73 4 points5 points6 points (0 children) | Copy Link
[–]uninformed01 2 points3 points4 points (0 children) | Copy Link
[–]zino193 5 points6 points7 points (0 children) | Copy Link
[–]____Weabooo_V2 1 point2 points3 points (0 children) | Copy Link
[–]DefinitionNo211 0 points1 point2 points (3 children) | Copy Link
[–]uninformed01 1 point2 points3 points (2 children) | Copy Link
[–]DefinitionNo211 0 points1 point2 points (1 child) | Copy Link
[–]uninformed01 0 points1 point2 points (0 children) | Copy Link
[–]KingKeezy7 0 points1 point2 points (0 children) | Copy Link
[–]modTheRedPike 0 points1 point2 points (0 children) | Copy Link