In the title.

We looked at Hera McLeod in this post. There was some controversy, even among the men. The complaint was "well, of course she hates men! The father of her first child murdered that child!"

Ok, yes. He did. He is responsible for the child's murder.

But SHE is responsible for (1) selecting him to date despite her initial misgivings; (2) dating him; (3) having sex with him; (4) getting pregnant by him; (5) supporting him; (6) living with him; (7) staying with him; (8) not distancing herself from him until it was too late; and most important,

(9) ignoring or glossing over all the numerous red flags that were so apparent even Blue Pilled me could have seen them; and

(10) failing to limit the relationship, end it, or leave when each red flag popped up.

The reasons for this are varied and beyond the scope of this post. But one way or another, our entire society has gotten to the point where women are not held responsible for anything they do or say; and women are not held to any standards of any kind. And no one is permitted to hold women responsible or to make them adhere to standards.

This is absolutely toxic, and it needs to stop. It is unacceptable, period, full stop. And you men need to start shifting the tides on this.

Any time a man points out a woman's errors in judgment or conduct, men are lambasted for it. Men are not permitted to say "she's responsible for X". Men are not permitted to say "she should have done this" or "she should NOT have done that".

Men aren't permitted to have any standards for any woman in their lives. They are shamed for rejecting unattractive women, for not dating at all, for going their own way. They aren't permitted to insist that any woman in their lives act in certain ways or not act in other ways. Men are told and instructed that women can do and say anything they want, anytime they want, anywhere they want, to anyone they want, and no one can say fuckall about it. Men are trained that if a man gets drunk with a woman who also gets drunk, and they have sex, he's responsible for his sexual decisions AND FOR HER sexual decisions. He's responsible even if he's drunk off his ass. But she's not responsible for anything.

(She's legally responsible for driving drunk, but NOT legally, morally, or any other kind of responsible for fucking drunk. We men see the abject unfairness and injustice of that.)

You people want to know why men are going their own way? This is why. Because men are being told, taught, trained, and severely instructed on pain of penalty and imprisonment, that they are not to expect anything of any woman they interact with. They can't expect her even to show them common courtesy.

If he's dating her, he's 100% responsible for him AND for her. If he's married to her, he can't expect her to have sex with him, to not fuck other men, to avoid bankrupting them, to make even rudimentary contributions to running the house, or even to fucking be nice to him.

If she works for him, he can't expect her to do her job competently or not create workplace drama.

All of this is because we have spent the last 50 or so years not holding women to any standards, allowing them to escape responsibility for their fucked up decisions, and allowing them to shift their responsibilities to men. To add insult to injury, we've looked the other way while women pointed the finger at men and called them "abusive" for doing nothing other than insisting that women meet standards and be accountable for their conduct. We as a society have blamed men for women's decisions and for their unhappiness. We've made men foot the bill for it.

And then when men have the gall to point out the unfairness, and that they want and expect things from their interactions and relationships with women, as a final slap in the face, they call us names. Incel. Sexist. Misogynist. Bitter small dicked loser who can't get laid. They accuse us of hyperemotionality ("who hurt you?" "So dramatic." "Jeez, calm down, so ANGRY.") They imply that men are in the wrong for doing nothing other than saying "um, that's not our fault."

No more.

Posts like the one linked up there point up WAATGM's and WATGMA's mission: to point out women's responsibility. That men are NOT responsible for women choosing to fuck shitbags. Women are responsible for their decision to fuck shitbags. That women are fully personally responsible for every decision they make, and they should be required to bear every consequence of those decisions. That women need to be held to minimum standards of conduct. That men are not responsible for cleaning up women's messes, not responsible for paying for it, and are not responsible to sort through the baggage they accumulated.

If women want to work, they should be held to the same workplace standards as men are. No more "getting a man to do it for you". No more "getting a man to fix your work fuckups". No more preferences in hiring, salary, or advancement. Women need to be called out and told to stop fomenting and creating workplace drama, stop gossiping with coworkers, and get their asses back to work and actually contribute to the bottom line.

If a woman wants to date men, she needs to meet their standards for attractiveness and conduct. Men are within their rights to not date them or stop dating them if they fail to meet those standards. Men need to ignore the shaming and walk away from shitty women.

if a woman wants to be married, she needs to understand that 50% of that marriage is the man she chooses to marry. She needs to meet his standards and contribute to the marriage bottom line however he decides she needs to. If he wants and needs things from the marriage, it is HER responsibility and obligation to provide them. She needs to find a way to meet those standards and do what he expects, or she can choose to not be a wife anymore - ON HER DIME. She needs to be held 100% responsible for her decisions- including her decision to marry, to marry this particular man, and to remain with him. And she needs to be held to her end of the bargain, which includes feed him, fuck him and ONLY him, and be nice to him. Men need to hold their wives fully personally responsible and hold them to standards they set.

And fuck, people, we need to ratchet down the definition of "abuse" to pre-1970 levels. It is NOT abuse for a man to expect to have sex with his wife. It is NOT abuse for a man to say "stay on budget". It is NOT abuse for a man to lie to a woman to fuck her (men have been doing that for millennia and women know it). It is NOT abuse for a man to say "I don't want to do that and I am not going to do that". It is NOT abuse for a man to manipulate a woman (women manipulate men ALL THE TIME). It is NOT abuse for a man to say to a woman "I don't want to date fat chicks, ugly chicks, weird chicks, or any other kind of chicks I don't like". It is NOT abuse for a man to reject a woman.

It is NOT abuse for a man to say "woman, here is where you fucked up and here is where you are responsible".

It is NOT abuse for a man to hold a woman he's dating or married to, to standards he sets.

It is NOT abuse for a man to hold a woman responsible and accountable for meeting the standards he sets, and for kicking her to the curb when she cannot or will not meet those standards.

There is no such thing as "financial abuse". It is NOT abuse for a man to say "I won't support you or stay married to you if you will not meet my standards."

Women: you need to start meeting standards and you need to start taking responsibility for your lives. It is NOT men's fault that you're unhappy. It is NOT men's fault that you're out of shape, overweight, or working a job you hate. It is NOT men's fault that you can't find a man. It is NOT men's fault that you can't have a family. It is NOT men's fault that you fucked 20 shitbags and one of them knocked you up. It is NOT men's fault that you can't or won't do your job.

And it is not anyone's fault but YOURS if you chose a shitbag to father your child.

It's YOUR fault. It's YOUR responsibility. And we will point that out to men who read here, and they can take it for what it's worth.

Have the courage to face the truth.


In cases like Hera McLeod and her son's death at the hands of the man she chose to sire him, I don't care about the man's responsibility. The entire world writes quadrillions of pixels about men's responsibility. The entire world holds men accountable for absolutely EVERYTHING they do (and most things women do, and for the state of women). The entire world pounds the ever loving shit out of men, all the time, every minute of every hour of every day, about how they need to be responsible/man up/step up/be men.

You need to train your goddamn grey matter to hold women accountable. You need to train yourself to look past the bullshit and get all the way down to the truth of it, the truth that women and their willing sycophants are trying to conceal from you. You need to see that women are FULLY PERSONALLY RESPONSIBLE for every decision they make, including fucking bad men and choosing bad men to sire their children. Joaquin Rams is responsible for the end result. But Hera McLeod is responsible for pretty much the ENTIRE chain of events that led up to that end result. She had no less than four separate and distinct opportunities to never let things start with Rams, or to end things with him, and she DID NOT DO IT.