Good day gentlemen,

There's a common complaint that women (especially smart women) make. (Read this in a female whiny voice).

Boohoo! Why do smart, strong, accomplished, independent, educated women have such a hard time finding a good man??? The men are just too intimidated by their greatness!!!

Let's ignore the moral failing that is the abdication of responsibility onto others and focus on their actual complaint as if it was morally sound. Let's also ignore whether this complaint is true or not (hint hint) and assume that these women have a hard time finding men because men are intimidated by their [fill in great qualities here].

Okay, let's get into this point by point.

You're intimidated - who exactly wants to have a relationship with someone who intimidates them? No one! We certainly don't want to marry an intimidating person!

By her brains are we getting married or are we signing up for a study buddy?

By her education - no degree in the world will make his dick hard. None.

By her accomplishments - I'll assume you will seek out a man who's at least as accomplished as you are, right? Because you don't want to marry an unaccomplished loser. If this is the case, your accomplishments are nice, but they aren't at wow level impressiveness.

By her independence - she don't need no man! - listen ladies, none of us want to marry a woman who doesn't need us. If you're so strong and independent that you don't need no man, we don't need you either.

In conclusion - we'll take your complaint at face value and assume it's true. Indeed, we don't want you because we're too intimidated by your genius, edgmacation and accomplishments. These are perfect reasons for us to stay away from you. Because we want life partners who need us, not smyrt and stryng indypyndynt wymyns who don't need no man and who sit so high up on the royal horse. Us lowly mortal men just aren't worthy of your highness smelly assness.

That's where all the good men are!
