I see lots of articles and studies indicating that more and more modern women aren't getting married and having kids. The US fertility rate is 1.73 births per woman(2018). This hasn't changed much since the 1970s. Just so you can see the whole picture, my Mormon neighbors have 7 kids. We're supposed to believe that women "choose" to be single and childless, yet we are inundated by articles and reddit posts by miserable single women.

Most of us are aware of the real reason these women are single. Their expectations don't match their reality and the men they want don't want them. So instead of these average women settling for the average man, they have circle jerks over on FDS. They die alone, childless.

As more and more men become red pill aware, the opportunity for these modern women to ensnare a man-slave and reproduce dwindles. Meanwhile the fit, feminine, friendly, submissive, cooperative women are having plenty of kids. If a modern woman does somehow get to reproduce there's a good chance she will end up a broke single mother and her offspring will be screwed up mentally and probably end up in jail. Meanwhile the kids of 2 parent homes will do well in life and are more likely to reproduce and have successful offspring. If the father is red pill aware his sons will have a strong advantage in mate selection and be able to secure even better genetics.

Eventually the pendulum swings the other way. Men don't really need to do anything other than not have kids with modern women, and don't allow their offspring to mate with modern women or their offspring. It's just a numbers game at this point. 7 Mormons to every whore-bastard-child. 2 Muslims to every divorce-rape baby. For every guy that doesn't get one of these traditional women, 50 broke whores selling their asses on the street and if they're too ugly for that, oh well maybe they can find a job.

Yeah sure they can find a sperm bank, raise a child by themselves, and continue their miserable legacy. Keep the experiment of not needing a man going. Raise their son to be Billy Beta who enjoys being a cuck or maybe an incel that becomes the next school shooter. Their daughters can be the next party girl on onlyfans or the fat raging feminist.