
This sub has a lot of promise but seems to have too little activity. So here is something that I hope will contribute in some way. This will be an attempt at presenting practical ideas that anyone here can do tomorrow regardless of motivation or mindset.

I have had a lot of fun on WAATGM, which led me here (BTW the mods there are perhaps the best on Reddit. I have been around here for a long time, so I know what I am talking about). I have also read a lot of MRA, MGTOW, WalkAway, and Redonkulas content over the years, but that has been mostly entertainment for me.


I have rigorously studied Post Modernism and the Epistemology and Methodologies that were borne of the social constructivist research paradigm. I will never be able to treat this with the same power and clarity as someone like Professor Jordan Peterson, so instead I simply try to “tap the rudder” so to speak.

Some Assumptions

  1. There is a yin and yang to everything. I am not interested in presenting all sides of these issues – just the pieces that need emphasis.

  2. Women control the world. They always have. Overwhelmingly they choose which genes will survive, and which behaviors will be rewarded (with support, votes, money, love, commitment or sex). They are by-and-large, the drive behind humanity, and men adapt to them – not the opposite way around.

  3. Nonetheless, this is a two way street. The current state of things is not just a matter of women gaining power, or female nature run amok - it also reflect the failure of weak men past. Men who were handed their freedom, power, and privilege without earning and who have squandered it.

  4. The pendulum can only go so far, but we have a few choices A) Ignore it, complain about it passive-aggressively, passively accept it, or do something. I prefer doing.

  5. If one chooses to DO something, we can either fight this shift towards female hegemony or hurry it along. I would vote for the latter. Let’s get this phase over with ASAP for the sake of our sons and grandchildren of both genders.

Note: When I use the term “should” I mean that it is more advantageous or strategic to do that thing; I am taking no prescriptive moral or ethical stance. In other words, no judging or preaching is intended.


With these things in mind, I present the following in the hope you will find mildly interesting at the least, and more hopefully thought -provoking.

  1. Embrace this new Reality. Most men would do better to accept the current state of things, and in fact to embrace this. Nothing that 100,000 men can ever do will change the reality of our current situation. Sure, one person can make a difference, but such symbols and change-agents (like Ghandi, Jesus, and MLK) tend to die as martyrs and the changes they propose come and go in ways that may never have been intended. Matrys can be made into caricatures in the long run, and not in flattering ways. Think about it - how many Christians really understand what it means to be Christian? How many people judge by the content of a person’s character? There is no changing humanity, but we can help to shorten this phase by embracing it. More on that below.

  2. On Shrugging. Call it MGTOW, #walkaway, or the Men’s Rights Movement – the best men in the world are shrugging off the shackles of outdated modes of thinking. It is happening too slowly for my liking, but it is happening. A good author would point to different articles to bolster his point, but I know this is not necessary here. You know – WE know – this is happening. MGTOW is perhaps the most explicit example of this, but there are many. If you have not yet read Atlas Shrugged, A Brave New World, 1984, or Fahrenheit 451, you might want to do this ASAP. These are all cautionary tales that are currently unfolding almost exactly as predicted. Be a part of the shrugging.

  3. Vote with your Dollars. A few years ago, I had a disturbing experience at a Sears store. I was angry, so I wrote a letter to the CEO of the company. I received no response from anyone, so I took the best course of action I could – I resolved to never step foot in any Sears store again. And I never did. In case you do not know, Sears is currently in bankruptcy. I cannot claim any personal credit for this – but I did my part by boycotting the company. I have done this more than once, and I was not alone. Recently men have boycotted Star Wars, the Ghost busters reboot, a few video games, and now Captain Marvel. They are all getting the same treatment; they are being ignored. The more men (and good women) do this, the less profitable it will be to sell thinly disguised hate speech. Boycott everything that runs counter to your values. You are probably not alone.

  4. On Assertiveness. Passivity is weakness. Don’t be passive. Aggression is almost always inappropriate, so don’t do that either. Passive Aggression is worse still – it belies a mental AND ethical weakness coupled with a lack of anger management. Always confront bad behaviors directly and clearly. Note – pick and choose your battles carefully. This is a simplistic position that requires much more discussion and nuance, but I trust readers to know what this implies. Be assertive, but use good judgment (not caution) on when and where.

  5. Be Strategic. Implied in this is a long-term orientation. This means that you may have to make sacrifices for men and women who are not born. So what does this mean in real terms? Read items 1-4 above, and commit to them every single day. Write down the names of companies you will boycott and share them. (Voat has a subverse on this. Reddit has one but not sure if it is run by SJW’s or not.) Think about the long term impact of repeated behaviors. Walk away from anything or anyone who spews anti-male hate. Do not befriend feminists (male or female). Refer to debunked ideas (like the wage gap) as conspiracy theories. There is much more to say about this one, but this is a start. Be more deliberate in how you live your life and where you place your time, attention, votes, views and dollars.


This is an attempt at presenting a few practical ideas that anyone can do tomorrow to make things better in the future. Shrug, walk away, or go your own way - call it what you wish; but be sure to back this up with some sort of deliberate strategic action.

I really enjoy TPR, but if we continue to limit ourselves to that lens; doing what is in our own short-term self - getting laid via self-improvement - should not be a man's only goal. TRP is NOT wrong. But giving too much priority to this approach will ensure that future men will have to deal with worse.

This is the fight of our time – the war of ideas and strategic action.