I'm 45 and married for 14 yrs. I got back to the US from Asia 10yrs ago and recently started fooling around with online dating apps to see where I'm at nowadays. It was crazy!!! Then I wound up here after red pill and WAATGM. Glad there's a place to have serious discussions about masculinity and the world as we see it. I love that I can come to these groups and read highly intelligent critiques on modern society and how it has evolved.

So where do we go from here? I have yet to see one man go look at the posts in WAATGM and come up with a counterpoint or contrary opinion. It's like we have a 100% unanimous agreement on the issues. You might think I don't have any skin in the game because I'm married but I have 2 boys so actually I do. What do we tell our sons? "Go MGTOW lad"? "Mom is an exception"? I think we can do better. How do you guys feel about it? We can say we don't need women and all but that's just repeating their horrible mistake. We know we have commitment as our power over them and they have sex over us. Sure we could could make a 90 day rule where they have to give us 90 days of sex before commitment but that's just doing their same ineffective red pill crap.