This will be brief.

Most of us have read all about "shit tests". There are countless examples of things women do - deliberately, and unconsciously - to test the worthiness of their men. One could easily fill a book about this. One could argue that the book "The Rules" is one huge list of tests for women - against men.

But men tend to have one simple test: Observe her actions.

I cannot say this emphatically enough men - WATCH her. Do not listen to her words. She will say what needs to be said in order to secure your commitment. Just as the young thug fuckboi type will say ANYTHING a woman wants to hear in order to get laid, so too will women say ANYTHING to get you to put a ring on it. Or at the very least, give her a baby.

Your job is to pay attention. Nothing more. No jokes, no games, not tests, no questions, no temptations, no fucking around, nothing. Just watch her. There are countless scenarios that offer opportunities to observe her. Here are just a few. Feel free to add your own:

  1. How does she act around her female friends or coworkers?
  2. How does she treat the working class?
  3. How does she act when on vacation, away from home, or otherwise not in her element?
  4. How does she act with attractive or powerful members of the opposite sex?
  5. How does she act when you are mildly ill?
  6. How does she act when you need time off, or when you do not return texts quickly enough?

You get the idea. You need not do anything. Just keep an eye out when situations occur and be on the lookout for signs.

What signs you ask? I will leave that to the community. There are tons.

Happy New Year brothers. 2020 was one for the record books - 2021 looks like it's going to be even more "interesting"!
