Post for reference.

Here we have yet another example of how women redpill men through full female authority without the corresponding responsibility + full Male responsibility without the corresponding authority.

Some women are malicious in this, some are scheming on how to thoroughly fuck over their men. However, as a general rule, don't attribute to malice that which you can attribute to sheer stupidity. Oftentimes this stupidity is driven by biological drives.

In recent weeks we've seen how most humans are panicky animals, buying shit from stores because of coronavirus, even though there's absolutely no threat to the supply chain. Likewise, women demand shit, demand protection etc because they're biologically driven to do so.

Nevertheless, even though there are biological drives behind certain behaviors (making them merely stupid animals and not clever malice), every human still has the freedom to choose right from wrong and therefore the responsibility to choose right from wrong. Any human who chooses what's wrong and damaging to themselves or others is 100% responsible for their choices.

Women may often act like children. Women may have a biological drive to be protected like children and provided for like children. To shirk responsibility like children and to have men assume said responsibility on their behalf, like children. Nevertheless, as grown adults who are capable of choosing right from wrong, they are 100% responsible for their choices. Muh biology is not a valid excuse.

We can predict what most women would do in any given situation because most women blindly follow their biology. However, we should never use this as an excuse to excuse the woman for her poor behavior and poor treatment of her man.

Finally, society already holds men accountable to the endth degree and anyone who hangs around our forums already knows to do his part and not enable her bad behavior. Furthermore, by pointing at how the man is also responsible (even when it's true), we take the spotlight off the woman, thus removing (at least part of the) responsibility from her shoulders. Let's keep our focus where it belongs - on CaroLL.
