We have done a few of these before, but an update is in order. No big intro is necessary, so without further adieu:

He is controlling

  • Meaning: He has expressed opinions regarding who I can talk to, what I should wear, girls night out, etc.

  • Reality: She is engaging in behavior that is inappropriate in an exclusive committed relationship. (Frequent, girls' nights out, wearing clothing that indicates that she is seeking sexual attention, or a friendship with another man that is over the line). He has expressed his boundaries, and she sees this basic reasonable expectation as aggressive, so she calls it controlling because other women, white knights, and orbiters respond to this trigger word.

He is insecure

  • Meaning: He is concerned about her behavior, and this makes her less attracted to him.

  • Reality: She has engaged in behaviors that have undermined the trust in the relationship. His uncertainty about the relationship translates, in her mind, to him being insecure about HIMSELF. These feelings often come on suddenly when he finds out something that crosses the line, which can rattle even the strongest of men. At least a man who cares.

He is emotionally unavailable

  • Meaning: He will not react to her tests like previous men have.

  • Reality: She wants some overt indication that she has a chance to control him emotionally. Her shit test and erratic behavior is not provoking him like it has in the past. He is not acting "controlling" or "insecure" so it must be something else; because it could not POSSIBLY be her.

  • (Note: When his reaction to her behavior is assertive or angry, she considers it "controlling". When his reaction is sadness or withdrawal, she considers it to be "insecurity". When he has no reaction at all, she considers it to be an emotional issue on his part.)

He is afraid of commitment

  • Meaning: He will not marry her, or take next steps in that direction. (i.e. give her the social and financial status she thinks she deserves vis-à-vis other women).

  • Reality: She wants her man to sign a blank check in her name, in the form of a government contract. This contract poses a massive threat to him, his wealth, and the well being of his children - not to mention all the hard work it took to get him to where he is now - and he is either having serious doubts about this, or flat our refuses to sign the contract.

I want equality

  • Meaning: I want benefits and privileges regardless of merit, talent, sacrifice, or responsibility.

  • Reality: She believes that reasonable standards are biased. And since they are biased, a NEW bias should be created in her favor to undo the original perceived bias.

He is a man-child/immature

  • Meaning: His happiness and relaxed attitude bothers her for reasons she cannot explain.

  • Reality: He is enjoying his life, and because his enjoyment involves something other than her, she resents this deeply enough to be openly nasty about it. She has heard women use the term "man child" before, so she will use it too in the hope that it will shame him into giving in to her demands. If it does not work on him, it will gain her sass points with her girls.

He is such a jerk

  • Meaning: He did not treat me the way I am used to being treated by weaker men.

  • Reality: He was either dismissive, crass, or simply brutally honest with her. She has no reasonable response, because there IS no reasonable response, so the only way she can handle it is to call him names that trigger other women, white knights, and orbiters to support her. (Note: Some women are secretly attracted to "jerks")

He is an incel

  • Meaning: A man said something dismissive of her, or women in general. Her friends have told her (often dishonestly) that they would not date a man like this. So only a man who does not want sex could possibly say such a thing.

  • Reality: An average (or below average) woman is shocked that a man (who she considers to be below average, but in reality is likely levels above her) would refuse to play by her rules; rules that only the top third of women can demand, but to which she (in her delusional state) also feels entitled.

He is a sexist/misogynist

  • Meaning: A man has said something that runs counter to the feminist narrative. The only interpretation her beliefs will allow is that this is bigotry or bias; no matter the context or nuance, or how innocuous his comment. (This is not unlike when ancients were told that schizophrenics were possessed by the devil, or that common illnesses were plagues sent by god. This is all they knew at the time, so they believed it)

  • Reality: She has wrapped herself so tightly in an ideology, that she cannot tell where she begins and the ideology ends (instead of "I like/follow/support feminism" she thinks "I AM a feminist") She and the ideology are one and the same, so when someone offers a reasonable criticism of any of the ideology's bad ideas, it is perceived as a deeply personal attack on HER.

That's all for now. Feel free to add your own gents.

Keep an eye out for these types of comments. They say more about the person saying them that the intended target. The projection is real!

Edit: Spelling and a few words for clarity.