I've been out of the dating scene for 14 yrs. I got back in because I was sick of old pussy and plus she's getting fat and all religious. After reading this and other subs and seeing the dating apps I am so thankful to have a good woman, regardless of her appearance and religious enthusiasm. She is the complete opposite of what you post here. We met online like 20yrs ago using IRC and became buddies and then friends and then I asked her to marry me. She was a poor Indonesian muslim woman from a devout family but progressive so she didn't wear the head scarf and all that jazz. I traveled to the other side of the planet to meet her and propose in person. My big fat Indonesian wedding cost $500 and we got $1k back from cash gifts. She has been 100% loyal the whole time we have been married for 14 yrs. Perfect wife by any standard. Cooks, cleans, fucks, sucks, works hard, stands by her man no matter what, isn't materialistic, etc.

I'm so lucky and thank my stars and thank you all for reminding me how the love of a good woman is priceless. No matter how old and saggy that pussy gets it will always be worth more than all the whores on the planet. FYI it's not saggy yet at age 45 and progesterone revived it to like 20yr old. Yay anti-ageing HRT.

This is where one good guy went. At home with the greatest woman ever. We kinda lucked out because together we made it to the big time but we've been through rock bottom and stuck it out. I mean like on the streets of Bangkok poor kinda shit. She always took the little money and found enough food to survive. We're not staying married because that's just the way things are or we're out of options, it's because we spent our lives together striving towards a common dream. I hope you all find this and the fact that you're here is a good start toward finding good women and not skanks or whatever is on tinder.