Excerpt from God-Shaped Hole by Zero HP Lovecraft

The sexual revolution and its consequences have been a disaster for the human race. The word “vice” no longer arouses disgust, but insatiable curiosity. Emancipation from ancient taboos has brought us no sexual peace; having been liberated from the superstitions of the past, we doubt even the reality of our own existence. To silence this doubt, we immerse ourselves into shamelessness and lust by means of a strategic logic of excess and anxiety.

We believe in the conservation of eroticism: as the licentious image proliferates, our sexuality becomes diffuse, and our awareness of life and death attenuates, and we descend into the spiritual lassitude of a weak and tepid sexuality. The sterility of modern society is CAUSED by its hypersexualization, its onanism, and its perpetual pointless titillation.

No sensitivity of response could survive this assault. What does survive is the view of the body as a sort of love machine capable merely of specific thrills. By exonerating our sexual life from every trace of guilt and shame, science has robbed it of its essential character; our ideas are clarified at the cost of being blinkered. These attitudes culminate in the construction of a literal machine for love.

The behavioristic view of sex, which reduces sex to a problem in mechanics and hygiene, makes inevitable the divorce between pleasure and reproduction, and makes the case for homosexuality by deracinating the sexes. Everything becomes sexual and so the sexual domain loses its specificity, its boundaries, and its distinctiveness. The result is a confused condition where there are no more criteria of value, of judgement, or of taste, and the function of the normative collapses into a morass of indifference. Nowadays you can seduce a woman with the words, ‘I am interested in your cunt.’

  1. If your sexual activity doesn't make babies, it is just elaborate masturbation. When your culture values masturbation higher than making babies, you will get more masturbation, fewer babies, fewer families, and disintegrating communities. Without a community to meet potential partners there will only be greater disconnect, loss of purpose, and reason to masturbate for both men and women.

  2. God-Shaped Hole is part sci-fi horror novella and part satire on the current state of the sexual marketplace. Specifically, it satirizes the growth of the masturbation marketplace finally surpassing that of the sexual marketplace. The horrifying part: this trend was enabled by technology and nothing short of technological collapse can reverse it.

  3. Zero HP Lovecraft depicts an atomized sex-obsessed society in the midst of an AI singularity. He cynically predicts that if artificial intelligence were to exceed human intelligence, then AI would serve the same purpose as the technological leaps that preceded it: enabling humans to avoid meat-on-meat connection with one another in favor of more efficient and effective masturbation.

  4. In Zero HP Lovecraft's view, contraception allows women to serve as fuck-robots for masturbation, and the men they fuck become their stud-robots. When artificial sex robots exceed the sexual and emotional appeal of real humans, contraception becomes obsolete.

  5. AI-powered fuck-bots for men possess beautiful looks and alluring behavior that can be tuned to their users' exact sexual preferences. Stud-bots for women are handsome seven-foot-tall gods or monsters capable of forcing any human to submit with overwhelming strength. Real sex feels insubstantial in comparison to masturbation aided by sufficiently advanced technology.

  6. As technological progress propels ever-greater pleasures onto the shelves of the masturbation marketplace, the average human will have fewer reasons to settle for the mundane pleasures of meat-fucking afforded by the sexual marketplace.