Double standards

When a woman cries, men stir and take action on her behalf. When a man cries, women laugh and ridicule him.

When a woman is hurt, men are moved to right her wrong. When a man is hurt, so what?

Whether a woman chooses to be a career woman, a SAHM or anything in between, she will be supported in her choice. A man must work to earn his way lest he be labeled a loser.

Rabbit vibrators, rotating dildos and cybian machines are all acceptable, sex dolls and robots are horrible.

Porn causes men to have unrealistic expectations of women, but instagram does not have the same effect on women regarding men.

The pussypass exists, no penispass exists.

Her body, her choice. His sperm, not his choice.

When a woman asks - where are all the good men? - she receives empathy. When a man asks - where are all the good woman? - well, men don't really ask that for fear of being laughed out of town.

These are just some examples of double standards that all emanate from the following premise.

Human beings, human doings

The basis of all this and more is the biological fact that women are human beings and men are human doings.

In other words - women have intrinsic value and therefore they deserve to be cared for simply because they exist! Men OTOH, have no value at all. Men must earn their value. You're only as valuable as the value you are able to provide to women.

Listen and believe, fat acceptance and sex positivity

You can have a religious family man, a judge, with the most stellar of records. A man who exemplifies respect and courtesy to women. Yet, when a woman comes along with an accusation from somewhere between 35-40 years ago. Despite not knowing the exact year, despite not knowing how she got there and how she got home, despite there being zero corroboration, despite the many giant holes in her story - millions of people believe her because she's a woman.

How many people believed the many men who's lives were destroyed by the metoo movement? Answer - not nearly as many because we're biologically programmed to listen to the plight of a woman, because women are human beings.

Same with fat acceptance, sex positivity and all the other double standards mentioned above and not mentioned above. The premise is that women deserve. They deserve to be loved, respected, cared for, catered to, believed, never shamed, supported and you better find her attractive but only when she's in the mood because otherwise you're a creepy rapist!

OTOH, male sexuality is creepy and/or rapey. A fat man is just a creepy loser. A male rape victim is laughed out of town. And you better pay for that child even if it was conceived through sperm-jacking.

Men are human doings. This is why we're held responsible for things, this is why we must earn things, this is why we deserve nothing.

A rigged game

The natural world is filled with checks and balances. Human nature is no different. An ecosystem is a broad range of checks and balances that all work simultaneously. Society is an ecosystem of sorts.

For much of human history, there were law's and cultural norms that kept both male and female nature within reasonable control. Feminism worked and fought hard to remove these societal shackles from women.

If you believe her about being raped, you aren't believing him. It's an either or choice. You can't believe both. If female nature is unleashed in its purity, the woman will be believed by millions no matter how outlandish the accusation, no matter how much time passed, no matter how many holes are in her story, no matter how many supposed witnesses categorically deny this. She's still believed because women are human beings.

If she wants to feel sexy, it's incumbent opun the man to desire her. No matter how fat she is, no matter what color her hair is or how short it is, no matter what she smells like, no matter how she treats you. You're required to desire her like a sexy woman and treat her as such.

If she doesn't want to feel sexy in your eyes, it's incumbent upon you to keep your toxic masculinity away from her, stop objectifying women and why can't you just be friends and mentor her?

After decades of increasing responsibility and diminishing returns, men began to wake up and walk away from this insanity because the game is rigged. Big time.


Women are human beings and men are human doings. Therefore, women are owed everything and men are owed nothing. Many double standards emanate from this core difference.

Where are all the good men? Is based upon the premise that she deserves a good man, that the man ought to present himself to her, that he ought to earn her keep by being a good man. This entitlement is seen around here in profile after profile. Ladies, you pushed too far. The juice is no longer with the squeeze. The good men are walking away. That's where all the good men are.
