The myth

Women are sugar and spice and everything nice. Gender equality is real and women can truly pull their weight in a relationship and in life, just like men can. The evil ideology of feminism brainwashed and corrupted our special snowflakes to be conniving cunts. The logic then continues with a wish: if only we could weed out this toxic ideology, we can make marriage great again and live happily ever after forever and ever, amen.

The myth has a post feminism addendum: Now that feminism has "gone too far" (translation: some consequences are beginning to befall the wymyns), some/many women are "waking up" to the horrors of feminism and rejecting it. These women refuse to associate themselves with the movement altogether.

The mythical thinking is: now that so many women rejected feminism and yearn to bring back old traditional values, now we're finally safe as men. As long as you find "the right woman", you too can have a NAWALT and live happily ever after. If you had the misfortune of being burned by divorce court, by false rape accusations or by false accusations of domestic violence, you must have chosen the wrong woman. You chose a feminist cunt. If only you'd choose "a good woman", you too would be living your happily ever after with your unicorn NAWALT.

Evidence for the myth

Feminism is cancer. We can all agree on that. Many good girls go to university and change beyond recognition. Therefore, many people conclude that the ideology called feminism brainwashed and ruined their women.

Then you hear story after story of women who emigrated to western countries and within a few short years, threw away all their traditional values and replaced them with feminist values. This further bolsters the claim that feminism ruined and ruins good women.

This thinking isn't entirely wrong, because feminism does indeed indoctrinate women. However, it certainly isn't right either. It's extremely flawed and grossly mistaken as we shall soon see.

Female nature

Hypergamy is female nature. The constant need for better and more. To seek out the best mate available and to seek out more and better protection and provision from the selected mate. If the selected mate can't meet her impossible demands, her hypergamy will give her the desire to monkey branch to someone better.

Shirking responsibility is female nature. Responsibility is about ensuring good outcomes. It doesn't matter how hard you tried or whether it was your fault or not. If you're responsible, you'll eat the consequences and make it happen. Whatever the "it" is at the moment.

In a dangerous world, women can't afford to suffer the consequences for their mistakes or bad choices as this would lead to danger and death. They certainly can't take responsibility for the bad choices of others. It's therefore a female imperative to pass on responsibility to the nearest man and if he's reluctant to assume responsibility, to sway him with her waterworks. Her crying says: I'm weak and helpless. Have some mercy on me and save me. It's not for nothing that to be "a dick" is to be bold and to be "a pussy" is to be meek. Assuming responsibility is a masculine trait, cowering in the corner is a feminine trait.

Antiquity and modernity

In ancient times, life was short and brutal. Danger lurked at every corner. Under such harsh conditions, a man's physical strength, speed and agility; his emotional fortitude and intellectual superiority, were crucial for survival. Finding the best man who can take full responsibility for protection and provision was absolutely necessary for a woman's basic survival in the world. She therefore would seek out such a man and "attach her wagon" to him. She'd not only give this man full sexual access, she'd also fully submit to his authority because authority goes hand in hand with responsibility.

However, with the advent of the industrial revolution and the ever increasing safety, security and abundance that came with it, the traditional masculine role has become less and less of an immediate female need. With less responsibility, there was less (perceived) need for women to submit to male authority. Thus began the early rumblings of feminism, to throw off the now unnecessary shackles of male authority because women today can be fully responsible for themselves. Just like men.

Pesky biology

Problem is that a changing environment doesn't automatically change biology and human nature. Women still have a deep seated need to be protected and provided for by a man. If wild animals and marauding bandits are no longer a threat, spiders and creaking floors become the new threat to be protected from. If she can provide for herself with her own salary, she still neeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeds him to provide her with the favorite female love languages of "acts of service" and "gift giving". She may be able to survive just fine without a man, but she can't be happy this way. Her biological imperative is to be protected and provided for by a man. If real protection and provision are no longer (as) necessary, new forms of protection and provision take their place and are just as important to her.

OTOH, when it comes to submitting to male authority, there really is no reason for her to do so as explained above. She therefore demands equal authority to men, while also expecting good old chivalry from men. The fact that these two desires contradict each other, creating a society wide double standard is merely a lack of consistency that doesn't make logical sense and we all know that logic and consistency are tools of the patriarchy!

Feminism IS female nature!

In light of the above, it can be clearly understood that feminism is female nature codified into law and culture. The logical desire to throw off male authority, as well as the now illogical female need for male protection and provision is the desire of every woman alive today and its source is female nature itself!

The purple haired feminist is blunt and in your face with her screeching demands, the traditional virgin who's looking for a good man to marry is much nicer and more polite. However, they're essentially looking for the same things: to be protected and provided for, to have a man take responsibility for them without the commensurate authority. They only differ in details and demeanor, they do not differ in their core values. This is because there's no such thing as a female anti feminist because feminism IS female nature itself codified into law and culture! If a woman tells you she's an anti feminist, ask her to name one benefit gained by feminism for which she's willing to take on the commensurate responsibility.


Feminism is nothing but female nature codified into law and culture. This is the reason why every woman is a feminist. Every woman wants men to take responsibility for them, they only differ in details and demeanor. OTOH, every woman wants the autonomy and authority that is part and parcel of being a modern woman. She wants all the benefits and none of the burden. She wants her communism for two and you're a misogynist pig if you call her out on her bullshit.

Feminism didn't ruin your good women, unrestrained female nature did that. Your great great grandmother would not have been any better. She too would have been a staunch feminist. The reason she submitted to your great great grandfather was out of necessity. This necessity often inspired true devotion, female love and sexual arousal. However, had she been afforded the luxuries of modern living, she would have been just as bad as Ms Butch Blue Armpit Hair. If she could see what stryng indypyndynt wymyns her great great granddaughters turned out to be, she'd be beaming with pride. Hypergamy has no limit and neither does the female need to be protected and provided for. Indeed, every woman is a feminist because feminism is biologically driven.

If feminism is female nature and feminism is cancer, it isn't just third wave feminism that's cancerous, it's all of feminism that's cancerous! If women need men for protection, provision and to take responsibility for them, we ought to have the commensurate authority over the women for whom we're responsible. If we aren't to have authority over them, we should in turn not be responsible for them because responsibility without authority is slavery and authority without responsibility is tyranny. This is what we have today, tyrannical women ruling over slave men. We can't fix the system but we can - to the best of our ability - stop enabling the tyrants by stopping to be their slave.

No, feminism isn't some master conspiracy of the illuminati, feminism is merely female nature allowed to run wild. No outside force ruined your snowflake women, they just seized the opportunity to take all the benefits without the commensurate responsibility because meeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee!
