In heterosexual relationships, women are the choosers who decide the sexual/romantic winners and losers, because women control the gateway to sex due to having higher standards than men. In gay relationships, gays can have sex whenever they want, so what need is there for game? You may not get the exact man you want, but you can get a man, unlike the majority of males as 52% of Americans are single and rising due to the female sexual revolution causing them to have higher standards, but gay males aren't affected by that, are they, as gay men can always attract another gay man. What need is there to "game" a gender, if you can have sex and commitment whenever you want? Why do gays need a strategy for something they can get whenever they want? If gays can have sex whenever they want, why do they need to adopt a strategy that is designed for teaching the majority of men who cannot get laid? There's nothing empowering about it.

Women only find 20% of men desirable and they ride the cock carousel and whore themselves to the top 10% of males. Males however find 80% of men desirable. Game is a band aid upon a culture that has stopped rewarding nice guys, killed chivalry, and rewards female whoring. However gays reward nice guys and don't have trouble attracting mates, unlike the majority of hetrosexual incel males and also females who are single who overlook their 6000 Tinder potentials.

The Hollywood media, society and children's parents tell young boys to do the following things to attract women.

“Treat girls with respect.” “Be a gentleman.” “Girls want a sweet man.” “Girls want a man to hold the door for her.” “Girls love romantic men.” “Girls love it when you give them flowers.” “Girls want to be treated like princesses.” “Girls love compliments.”

The Red Pill says that women prefer jerks instead of nice guys, and that being kind and nice repulses women, and several studies have confirmed this. The same studies show that men are attracted to empathetic and kind responses unlike women, so why do gays need to take the "red pill" and realise that they have to be dark triad, alpha or a jerk, if gays aren't attracted to any of that bullshit and rely on logic instead?

Men and women are mentally different, so although you think you can apply red pill concepts such as hypergamy, frame and shit tests on people of the same sex, men and women are attracted to different things in hetrosexual relationships, so male gays aren't going to be doing the same strategies that women do to men.

For hetrosexual men, the same strategies that give them sex off women also get them into a relationship, but for heterosexual women the advice is instead how to maintain commitment off the man. Why don't you gay males read some Evan Marc Katz, if you feel that commitment off men is much harder as it is to get laid?