I’ll be ringing in the year alone and grieving the death of a friend while everyone will be celebrating with someone who gives a shit about them. All of my friends have an SO to spend time with that night, and I’ve asked guys who I thought would want to see me that night but they really don’t give a shit. I’ll probably just drink a whole bottle of wine and pass out or something.

It’s been the worst year ever, I think it has for a lot of people. I had my heart broken twice this year. The first was right at the start of 2020, my long term ex got married to the girl he cheated on me with a few months after we broke up. Another guy I was seeing in the Fall dumped me while we were on a hiking getaway together.

I really have no hopes for 2021. I’ll be left with nada, on top of that the loss of a childhood friend right before the holidays. I really have no hopes for 2021. I feel like my mid-20s are just going to go downhill from here and being a lonely sad sack doesn’t help. Any advice for a New Years alone and depressed?