I (f24) started noticing pattern in our relationship, weve been together over a year and living together, but i noticed i am the only one cooking and cleaning most of the time. And by most of the time i mean 99%. the 1% is when i confront him about it and he does it. But then he goes back to his old habits of not doing any housework.

When i tell him arguments about being equal and say stuff i got from this page he says that its crap and its putting things in my head. I talked to his mum and she says that men are useless and neither her husband doesnt help and doesnt cook and clean everyday and that my expectations are too high? But i do it??

I know hes depressed and not been working a lot because of covid and it is making him even worse, but i am working and still managing to cook and clean everyday? He plays videogames all day and sometimes watches things with me when we eat. On the other hand is is loving and great person, but he is struggling a lot mentally and cant see any therapist atm. So all the mental load and housework is on me right now.

We started dating before first lockdown and thats when things started going downhill and i saw he is unstable. He says its the covid and that everyone is struggling now. I am too but i am not exploding like he is? He tends to shout and i can see how he speaks to his mom. Its not always nice. Other hand he can be really appreciative of me and can be really sweet.

Should i be more understanding? We are in lockdown and i get that situation is hard on everyone, something just doesnt sit right with me, like is it going to be like this too when we have kids? i feel like he is using me and knows i will do it if he wont. I am also struggling with this lockdown but our home is still clean and nice. Idk

Would like to know if i am being to harsh on him or if i should wait this covid out? He seems like he has lots of work to do and i can see why his relationships failed, i also have a history of “fixing” my exes but it never ended well. Pls help i love all this advices you give and i need it.