Just a quick question. Well a situation that i really should deal with properly. Long story short:

The dog opened the door last night and one of the cats got out. I was taking care of some shit and kinda in a bitch cause she was being lazy. I went into the house to shut the door. Then went back to doing my shit . I seen the cat get out but by the time i shut the door i forgot about it. This morning cat is missing and say i seen him get out and totally forgot about it. She is really pissed. Sending me shit tests from work. She is off shortly.

I own that it was my mistake. My only concern is that my present mrp mind set may not know exactly how to handle this without coming off as an asshole. I know i need to comfort her. Any advice would be appreciated. Except if your going to say cats are for faggots. Then just keep fuckin scrolling.