I heard about the health benefits of cold showers from a few different places, then read more on Return of Kings and ignorelimits.com. Although I didn't see much real science, the anecdotal evidence was undeniable. Increased focus, metabolism, testosterone, etc. I decided to give it a go.

So I am about a month in to this experiment, and it's kindof how you would imagine. It's extremely uncomfortable, but oddly soothing. It's the first thing I think about when I wake up, and it's not a happy thought. I don't fret for long. I get out of bed, do some sit ups and push ups to try to warm my core, turn the handle way right, and jump in.

At first, my screams would scare my wife and wake the kids. But I have calmed down. I just try to keep breathing as the icy water covers my body from heads to toes. I stay under for as long as I can, then move out of the way and soap up. Then I get under again and rinse. It's like a forced meditation. I focus on my breath and, sometimes, the water actually starts to feel warmer. When I turn off the water and step out, the cold is gone instantly, and my body feels electrified.

The lasting effects are hard to describe, but I can feel how it changes my whole day. No need for coffee at all, but I sometimes drink it for the comfort. Mentally, I feel more at ease. Focused, but calm. It's like the hardest part of my day is over first so the rest seems easier. Physically, I feel more alive and aware. Probably due to increased circulation and metabolism. It seems to be helping shed pounds -- and there is some science to back this up. Also, I had been experiencing some mild E.D., and that is very much gone. But a lot of other things are changing from my MRP efforts so I can't say for sure that is from the cold showers. It might just be from more sex.

I actually decided to end the experiment last week because, obviously, its ridiculous. But after the initial euphoria of my first hot shower faded, I felt soft-served and weak-sauce, so I cranked it back to freezing and stood there as long as I could take it - trying not to scream like a little girl.

This type of thing seems in line with MRP principles, but I don't think I've heard it mentioned here. Has anyone else here tried cold showering? I'm dying to find someone, most people think it's bat-shit-crazy, but I swear it's helping. Thoughts?