Here is a little story I would like you to consider before you:

  1. See a lawyer,
  2. Accuse her of cheating
  3. Ignore a 2 week cooling off period before acting.

I also spend some of my time on a car forum. Someone inevitably rocks in with a problem with their car. Often its a new noise. The OP is clearly worried and equally clearly hoping someone online is going to say something to the effect of “Yeah I had that, don’t worry, it went away, drives like a dream now, 30k miles later still going strong”. We all know there is a very small chance of getting that response and it being true. What is far more common is the worst case scenario response – “that’s a total rebuild you know”; “I had that noise and the engine blew up the next day”. If you’re lucky, you might get, “For fucks sake, you've told us nothing about you, nothing about how you treat the car, and nothing about the cars history – sorry buddy we can’t help you - give us some more info or go to a mechanic”. The reality is that EVERY person online who responds knows nothing about you, your history, your situation (seems obvious really). And for good reason most car forums have posting requirements (like ours here) that encourage the bare minimum information to try to help.

But we aren’t here to talk about cars - and MRP is a bit different.

So at askMRP you rock in with your worst case scenario train wreck story, hoping we care, and that someone will give you hope its going to magically work out. At askMRP, It is our role to call your shit, call you into action, challenge you to MAN UP. So we counter your worst case scenario with a WORSE case scenario. “She definitely cheated - you're a CUCK!” "NEXT her and learn to vet!" But that doesn’t mean we are right. We don’t know you, you can’t trust us - so don’t post your puke and then tell us 4 hours later you went to a lawyer because we showed you TWO RED FLAGS.

That's retarded.

You should by now know the captain / first officer analogy, hopefully you know that YOU have let your boat drift out of harbour and out to sea. YOU know its your fault, YOU tied the shitty knots and fell asleep. But now you are out there in the middle of nowhere, no land in sight, and you come in here with your problems, (which we confirm) and then decide your best move is to JUMP SHIP. No, kimosabe, your best move is to stay aboard. Maybe get back to port and fix the boat. Maybe use the shitty boat and crew as a sparring partner to improve your captaincy. Maybe use it to get you to a new destination with new crew. So for fucks sake, please DO NOT JUMP SHIP because we tell you it’s a shitty boat with a shitty crew. Its done you fine for x years, you can make a few more months before you decide.

Moral of the story (in u/RStonePT words in response to recent poster): I've always hated these (desperate posts). Literally a snap shot of peoples lives, and a guy hoping to be the exception of the standard story. You've told a story that leads us all to think she cheated, which she may have. Of course I know fuck all about you, and that kind of makes a difference.


  • Trust your instincts.
  • Wait a bit before you jump off the boat.
  • Give us more info if you are desperate that we decide your fate.
  • Own the prison of shit you locked yourself in

She might not have cheated | Your car might be fine
