Background - 33 years old incel nice guy, beta orbited a colleague for months and got friendzoned. I went no contact with her for a month during which time I discovered TRP and my world turned upside down. Anger phase during that time propelled me to make some massive changes which helped me get her when I came in to contact with her again.

Got ED while trying to have sex with her due to massive anxiety and insecurities. But finally did manage to have sex with her using viagra. She got super attached to me during that time which stonewalled me and I started thinking I can do better than her with all this TRP knowledge I got and subsequently I fucked up.

Failed lot of comfort tests from her since I dealt with them like shit tests. And she bailed on me when she found someone else. This was 4 months ago and I still haven't gotten over it. My life is so fucked up at this point I don't even know where to start.

Books Read - NMMNG, Book of Pook x 2, TRP sidebar, Chateau Heartiste x 2, The Rational Male

Lifting - This is the only thing I haven't given up on. Did stronglifts for 3 months which massively fixed my posture. Currently on Reddit PPL which is showing great hypertrophy results. I was a weak skinny ass guy with rounded shoulders. Have gotten to normal bodyweight during these four months. Gained around 10 Kg in total and still getting good comments from people I know.

Lifts - Height - 5'7" Weight - 160 lbs BF - 18% (Navy) Squat - 165 lbs, Deadlift - 198 lbs, Bench Press - 132 lbs, Overhead - 72 lbs, Barbell Row - 125. Major lifts have all stalled and moving pretty slowly. Planning to stay on this program till year end with one cut for two months.

Finances/ Business - Financially stable. Worked hard to launch one side project last month which has been part of my mission since long. It's failing miserably and I'll need to work on something else.

Current Issues - Lot of grief/sadness for mistakes I made, still feel like I missed my shot at life by wasting all my adult life just reading books and chasing money.

Severe scarcity mentality which is fucking up my head.

I want to become high value man but the force I had during anger phase is fizzling out. I plan things which I fail to execute.

Not understanding lot of my emotions. I know it's over but my mind still keeps on hoping that she'll come back, I keep on checking on her social media like an idiot.

I thought I knew what needs to be done but looking at the position I am in I need literal hand holding to move forward.

Reading through all the OYS posts it felt like all kind of guys wash up here and then there's me.