22 y/o that just graduated college.

Stats: 5 ft 5, 140 lbs. Been lifting a year (PPL). Have read Rational Male, Models: Attract through honesty, $39k/a year (First job out of college). We've been dating 4 months. Decided to become exclusive a month into dating. Goals are to work in government, public service, or some type of political org.

I'm four months into my first relationship and I'm struggling with my partner with social competence. A lot of my early life, I spent a lot of time playing video games and was a rather socially isolated dude. It wasn't until college that I got a little bit of exposure to the 'outside' world, but it seems that it still really wasn't enough. A lot of pop cultural references go over my head, I don't have many hobbies, and my social circle is quite limited. I basically feel like I was living under a rock for most of my life.

While I'm happy in my relationship, there's often not a lot for us to discuss these days. I work a 9-5, do some weightlifting after work, and do the households chores before bed. I want to have more to say, but I don't even know what to talk about. I'm just quiet now that we know each other. I don't want to be boring, but I think that's exactly what I am now.

Any advice? I feel like I'm 10-15 years behind on people skills due to my old ways as a kid.