So I have to tell you guys, MRP and AskMRP have been a bit negative recently.

When I read posts like this in MRP:

And this in AskMRP:

I gotta say, that sucks.

And at times AskMRP is 50% handholding, 45% faggot, and 5% new people who need help with the pill (some of the long timers might say it's 99% faggot, 1% new guys who need help, but I digress).

The thing that gets me is - Is it really that bad for you guys? I get that there is a spectrum of people here, and most of us are idly by lurking and maybe if they have the stones for it they are doing something about their problems. My personal experience in taking the pill though has taken me from about a 5 to 7 (not just physically, but my overall well being), and in the process taken my relationship with my wife from a 5 to a 7. But not only that, I can see the process of where I can bring myself, and thereby my relationship to a 8 or even further - there is some positive looping and value adding going on. Taking the pill for me personally has been very positive (and a necessary kick in the ass, I must admit - fortunately I didn't have to take it as a suppository). But a lot of people here seem like they are really struggling - I mean to the point where they are having main events or have them coming up soon, or their relationships have deteriorated due to years of abuse to where they just DGAF and start spinning plates, or after years of neglect they're starting the process of divorce.

I'm going to briefly do a callout to a positive post - , what a damn inspiration, u/GargantuaBlarg29

The question is - are you good? Is your relationship good? Mods and ME's, you've been here the longest. Are you good?

For some perspective, it's a damn miracle that each of you is breathing right now, let alone have electricity and computers and internet. I think it's a good reminder to take a few minutes, breathe deep, and realize things aren't so bad. You are in a universe that is 46 billion light years wide, and yet you're the only you out there that has ever been or will be. Meditate a bit this morning, and take a sip of that half full glass. Smell and savor the coffee this morning.

Then get back to work at the iron temple, and get to where you need to be.